Chapter 20. Calum's POV

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Normally I don't go to my first 3 classes. School is just not my think but my parents will not let me drop out. But they can't keep me from ditching. I do try hard in school, and manage to have a 3.5 GPA. Which is pretty good for someone who doesn't attend school very much. Today was the one time I was here on time. And that was because I woke up to early and couldn't fall back asleep. So here I am at school alone, listening to music. Thinking about life. My life was overall pretty good. Nice parents,roof over my head, food. But I felt like something was missing, I know that's cliche, but sometimes I feel like a robot. Not the ones who take over earth and kill everyone. But like the robot from Big Hero 6. Cuddlely but can't get out of situations fast.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a loud Michael and Luke followed by a very happy Ashton. Since all of our conversations always go to video games, FIFA was brought up. And then I being to feel like a robot. Repeating only what it seems like they want to hear. Then the conversation stopped. We were all distracted by a girl. She describe in accurate words, simply amazing. She looked like she would have a kind heart. The best kind of heart.

The conversation was about her after that, I knew she would be popular with boys and people in general. But it seemed like she was my missing piece. Maybe not in a romantic way, but as I really need you in my like kinda way. Luke seemed in love and mezmorized. Ashton played it cool but you could tell he was curious. Michael was fascinated. And for me. My thoughts and emotions were everywhere. I need to meet her. But how?

Just one more pill 5sos fanfic Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin ( #wattys2015 )Where stories live. Discover now