Chapter 38. To Judge

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The court day was about to be held October 12, 2015.

It would have been the day Sophia turned 18. It would have been the day when the autumn leaves would be perfect golden brown, with slight hints of orange and red. It would have been the time all of us were freaking out about what we were going to be for Halloween. The sent of candy apples and caramel would have filled the room.

It was a beautiful day for the world.

But not one for my community of friends, who had all been hurt and torn down by the unfortunate news of Sophia. A great group of people all bound by the thing we loved most, and it was each other.

Kate, my Aunt, and I were set to testify against Sophia's parents. I knew we were going to win because of the fact that we have video evidence.

We walked through the large wooden doors of the court house and entered into a completely different environment.

Everyone there was serious, cold, and angry at one another.

I soon felt the same emotions when they brought Sophia's parents out for trial.

They were the reason she was dead.

They killed her.

I felt an overwhelming pain hit me right in the heart. It was an internal pain, but a pain none the less.

The judge started with all of us pledge on not to lie, then having a silence. And that was when it started.

I could feel tears well up in my eyes when they began asking questions.

Sophia's mom and dad were extremely Christian, and they awnsered everything with complete honesty.

Soon the trial ended with me in tears and the dad going to jail for 50 year's. The mom only got a 5 year sentence.

The drive home could only be comforted by Good Time's ice cream. They were memories exchanged. And battles with our selfs one.

I stared put the car window with my ice cream in hand. This. This weather this place, was probably one of the only things Sophia actually liked.

Her, Kate, and I would always play in the leaves. We would gather them up and launch them at each other. We would laugh and smile because everything was okay then.

Sophia didn't deserve this, no good people deserve to die.

It's as simple as all of the good, kind, sweet people get the short end of the stick and the mean, horrible, nasty people get to live there life's.

I use to think that death was something I could fall back on, it would be my back up plan. Now I understand that I would never want anyone to experience the kind of pain that comes with loosing people.

Luke has been the only person I feel really comfortable around right now. He has been amazing with everything that's going on.

Ashton and Kate have been getting along really good lately. I haven't really seen much of him.

The boys have forgiven Michael, and I learned to, too.

I can't begin to imagine how awful he feels right now, he deserves it but still.

It makes me upset that Sophia died being mad at a lot of people, that's a really painful way to die.

Sophia's funeral was going to be held two days from now. It would have been three days since she turned 18.

Just one more pill 5sos fanfic Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin ( #wattys2015 )Where stories live. Discover now