Chapter 2. Aggression in my own state

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I have just spent forever sitting a plane full of crying baby's and people looking to escape there own lifes. The more I think about it the more I realize that I'm just sitting in a metal oval with wings, hurling though the air. I could die at any minute. Maybe that might now be such a bad thing. I mean I feel almost nothing right now.

My flight just landed and I'm exhausted and hungry. I search for a face. The one the belongs to my Aunt Jennifer. Over the dozens of people not one of them looked remotely similar to the Aunt I had remembered.

" Uggg, she knew when my flight was getting hear " I said to myself.

I could tell I was getting angry. There was just so much happening. So much noise. So much happiness. So much hugging. It made me sick. If there was one thing I'm sure of its that I was hungry. I couldn't get food because

A.I had no money


B. They didn't take American money anyway

All I could do is wait. Soon enough I saw a rather tall lady with red/brown hair running towards me. Before I was aware of what was happening, I was being embraced in a full on bear hug.

"Alex! How have you been!" said the lady.

I was assuming that she was my Aunt. I mean she had kept the same face just different hair color.

"I'm hungry, tired." I replied in a dull voice.

"Well then let's go eat" My Aunt said in an enthusiastic tone, nodding her head to the door.

I managed to show a little smile.

If I'm good at one thing. It's faking my emotions. I hate it when people worry, or ask if I'm okay. Because most of the time they don't really care.

Most of the time there just looking for something or someone to gossip about.

We walked out side. It was bright and warm. Gross. Her and I paced around the parking lot for a while till she stopped in front of a little white car.

"Hear we are, it's a bit shabby but it gets you where you need to go" my Aunt Jennifer grinned at me.

She started asking me all kinds of questions about what been happening since I last saw her. Basically general conversation. I mostly responded in one word awnsers. Hopefully leading her to belive that I was fine.

We stopped at a small cafe, and my Aunt told me to get what ever I wanted. So I got a coffee and a bowl of mac and cheese. I ate and drank all of it.

Soon we were back on the road. Heading straight to her house. It took about 40 minutes. We were in her front drive-way when she told me the news.

I was going to school. I thought I was coming here for vacation, for a get away but I guess not

Just one more pill 5sos fanfic Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin ( #wattys2015 )Where stories live. Discover now