ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 24

802 22 0

Sage POV
My goodness, this lady is crazy. Anastasia is one crazy woman.

She made me wake up for training at 6. I guess I get it from her point of view, we got attacked by the Germans plus Chinese and I needed to learn how to defend myself.

Anyways, I'm basically dead right now. She made me work my ass off, it was so damn tiring. Does she know how tired this is?

Of course she knows you twat. My subconscious answered.

Oh shut up. You are so annoying. I argued back but I shut it out before it could answer. It was pointless arguing.

I walked downstairs to see her eating food. I swear she is married to food. Eh, I would marry food if I could.

"Are you going to stand there and watch me eat like a stalker or come here and eat with me?" Anastasia said while taking another spoon full. I shake my head in amusement and went to sit next to her.

As I ate, I started having a feeling something bad was going to happen and I started feeling dizzy. I'm guessing Anastasia already knows and has alerted Leo and the other men.

"Stupid maid. Who would have suspect her. Ugh, this is so frustrating." Anastasia whisper yelled.

This feels like Deja vu. The same thing happened yesterday, the only thing was Anastasia cooked the food. That's probably why we didn't get poisoned.

"Sage, don't you dare fucking faint or I swear to Satan himself I will kill you." Oh shit, she is scary when she yells. Best believe her threats weren't empty.

She dragged me to a secret room. It had everything you need to survive. Basically a indoor apartment.

She guided me through another secret place in the wall. "What the hell is this?" I whispered. The place she led me through was filled with guns, ammo, knifes, katana, bombs, grenades.

"Grab as much as you can. Make sure to get smoke grenades so you can disappear from the situation in case. Stick by me the whole entire time. I don't want you to get hurt." Anastasia told me. I nodded and grab as much as I can.

I got a katana, a few grenades, ammo, guns, and knifes. She was walking out when she stepped on a platform. I started panicking not knowing what to do.

"Calm down darling. This alerts our allies, it's not a trap." She said while shaking her head amused. I let out a sigh of relief.

How is she so calm? I'm on a verge of a panic attack. "Come on we have to go" I walk towards her and got out of the room. There was still people walking.

I had a silencer on the gun for some reason. I don't remember putting it there. Did all the guns have silencers? Anastasia started shooting. It didn't make a sound at all.

I shot a guard. I continue until the cost were clear. I didn't see the one behind me though until Anastasia shouted for my name. I turned around and the guard had put a needle in me.

"Oh shit" Anastasia whispered as she blackout from the needle. Soon enough I met darkness.

Stupid Germans.

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