ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 11

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Anastasia POV
Leo had called us to go to the meeting room. I jogged to the meeting room and everyone was there already.

I sat next to Leo, I turned on my computer and searched more about the hunters. Leo cleared his throat and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"You may already know the hunters are coming for us and we have to kill them all. So Anastasia you can hack into their cameras and figure out where they stay. Antonio you will get more info about them, figure out what their planning if you can."

I started hacking into their feed. They were stupid enough to put a camera in their meeting room. You can't hear what they are saying from the camera but me being a genius, I made it so you can hear what they are saying.

"They are having a meeting right now." I said turning my laptop towards them.

"Remember what I said. Our target is Anastasia, the girl who has been stealing from us and killing our men. She is now in the Italian mafia, so it will be harder. We have been trying for years to get her and we will this time. I want group one to go get Leo's shipments and drugs. Group two, I want you to spy on Anastasia and report back. Group three, I want you to get armed up and attack them tomorrow night. Everyone understand?" 

"Yes, sir. We will get Anastasia this time. After all these years she will pay." Everyone started leaving the meeting room and we watched just incase something else happens.

I had thirty seconds before they figure out someone was watching them. I discarded any tracing that could lead up to my computer. "Well, we have to get one step ahead of them." I said awkwardly.

"You have been stealing and attacking their men?" Leo asked "Yea, how else would I survive out there. I need supplies." I said in a 'duh' tone "You got all of their things yourself?" dad questioned shocked "Yes" I said with a confused face.

"What? How?" Leo asked. Everyone was curious so why not tell.

"I was starting my assassin journey then I needed supplies like guns, blades, drugs and everything else. So I killed the men who were guarding the supplies and I was sneaky, I hid in the dark and no one knew I was there. I kept stealing from them until I was caught. I was fast. I ran but they saw my face, they weren't strong enough to get me. I still needed supplies and I kept stealing from the hunters since I don't want two gangs coming for me. They knew it was me yet they still can't get me. A whole gang against me for a few years. So yea they are really eager to get me since I stole a lot from them." I said casually.

"Damn, you crazy" Antonio said as I smiled. "Hey, lover. I think you should close your mouth don't ya think?" I said to Leo. Leo immediately shut his mouth.

"Alright, let's start planning." Leo said shaking off the fact I have been stealing from the hunter. "Yes we should especially if they are coming tomorrow night. We have to attack them tonight and get all their supplies. I can go and set a bomb there." I said looking at everyone.

"Since your experience. You can guide us and tell us what to do." Leo said I nodded. "I want you to go in groups tonight. You go one by one don't go all at once, if you go all at once they would know that there are more and you all would be attack. If you go one by one they won't know and they would think you came in one group. I want group one to go attack the main door that will notify everyone they are under attack. Group two, you would go in from the back door after 5 minutes. Group three, you will go to their warehouse and get all of their supplies or bomb it. Antonio I want you to hack and guide us about where they are so we have an advantage. I will go and set up a bomb at their main house and bomb it 10 minutes after group one and two go in. So group one and two set an alarm in your head to get out after 9 minutes, if you forgot Antonio will tell you to get the fuck out and run through the earpiece that you will be wearing. Leo you will set up a bomb at their warehouse, same thing like what I said after 9 minutes get the fuck out. If you forgot Antonio will tell you from the earpiece. Understand?" I said

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