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Anastasia POV
I woke up to the sound of my door being knocked at.

I quickly changed and went downstairs to see who it was, when I opened the door it was the person I didn't expect to see.

Leo and two men, one of them was standing along side Leo which I'm guessing he was the second command.

I invited him in and he started talking "Would you like to join me?" He asked "Join your Italian mafia? No thanks I'm good on my own."

He seemed shocked by my answer "I'm offering you a big job and how do you know I'm in the Italian mafia?" He asked frustrated I stare at him with disbelief.

Did he really underestimate me?

"I may be an assassin but I'm also a very good hacker, trust me whatever you know from the background check you did on me it's barely anything about my life." He started smirking I just wanted take that smirk off his face.

"Why don't you want to join?"
"Because I'm used to working alone. If you did a background check on me then you must know I was from a foster care but I also already know who my real parents are."
"You do? Who are they?"
"They are Michael and Marissa from the Russian mafia."
"Good thing we're allies with them"
"Oh fuck, fine I'll join you but the first thing I want to do is meet my parents. Oh and you forgot to introduce me to your second command."

The guy who was standing next to Leo has his eyes wide and his mouth agape. "How did you know?" The guy said "I didn't, you just confirmed it. So what's your name?" I said with a smirk

"My name is Antonio" The guy grumbled. "I fucking knew it!" I shouted. They both stared at me with confused faces. "Uh I have to go to work" I said rocking back and forth on my feet. "You have work?" Leo asked "yes I do, that's how I kept a normal profile."

With that he asked me to be ready by 7 and he walked out. I sighed as I went to my room and got ready for work. I work at a small café as a cashier, the money was lower than average but I made it work. I finished my shift and went back to my apartment to get ready.

As I looked through my clothes I chose some ripped jeans and a crop top.

It was now 7 and as he said he had just arrived. I got in the car and we rode in silence before he turned on the radio, I started humming and playing with my knife that I brought.

He looked at me with a blank face and told me to stop playing with my knife. I huffed and put it back in my bra.

A few minutes later, we arrived at a big mansion, I stared at it with happiness and saw Leo already walking into the house.

I quickly followed behind him to see a few people at the living room and some maids cleaning.

I followed Leo into the living room where he introduce me to his family.

"Anastasia, this is my mom Vanessa this is my dad Dante. These are my sisters Erica and Maria." He said pointing to each one of them.

"Hi, I'm Anastasia pleasure to meet you all." I said with a small smile. "Pleasure is all ours, dear." Vanessa said with a big smile.

"Are you Leo's girlfriend?!" Erica and Maria both question at the same time, I stared at them wide eyes.

"No, I'm not." I said awkwardly. "Wait if you're not his girlfriend then why are you here? No offense." Maria said

"Non taken but that is a question to ask Leo. Now if you don't mind food is my first lover and I'm going to explore the kitchen." I said before going to the kitchen while everyone was laughing.

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