ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 9

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Anastasia POV
I'm now getting ready to train some newbies since Leo invited me. He didn't want to do it alone because he said it was torture but how hard could it be?

I walked into the training room and saw people around 16 or 17. Everyone was talking to each other trying to make friends which is good.

You don't want to be a loner in the mafia, but you also don't want to trust easily.

The door opened again after I walked in and everyone went quiet. Some remain a straight face and some were scared shitless.

"Is everyone prepared and warmed up?" Leo asked and everyone nodded. A kid raised up their hand, very bold.

"Yes, what do you want to say?"

"Is she helping you train us today?" The kid said pointing to me.

"Yes, she is. Is that all?" He already sounds frustrated enough.

"Alright, we came here to train not to talk shit. Let's get started" I said, clapping my hands together.

"Go run around the ring 10 times then go rest for 1 minute. After come back to where you were." I told the kids and they started running.

"I'm already done with training these kids." Leo said annoyed "Well, too bad, lover. You're gonna help me even though I'm suppose to be the helping one." I said a bit annoyed at him.

After a few minutes, they went to go take a 1 minute break as told then came back to where they were originally standing. Leo got up and asked them to follow him which they obviously did. Leo was training them hand to hand combat.

They were learning basic moves, some knows how to do it properly some were sloppy with the moves but that's what training is for.

Everyone took another 1 minute break before lining up again. "Now we are going to work on knifes."

We went to the targets where the knifes were.

"Now you want to hold it properly or you won't be able to throw it as good." I showed them how to hold it properly and went around to check. They all hold it very nicely which is impressive since their newbies.

"You want to throw it mid way before you fully straighten your arm." I showed them how to throw it and it went bullseye. Everyone threw great, some were here and there but they are good.

I moved the targets closer so that it's a bit easier to land. I don't want them landing any where its not suppose to land.

"Hey" I walked towards Leo pulling a chair next to him. His face held one emotion which is annoyed. His eyes soften when he saw me and he gave me a small smile before looking back at the kids. The kids weren't doing too bad until Antonio walked in with a guy.

He has dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes. "Who the fuck did you just bring in?" Leo asked Antonio while I told the kids to go home and don't stay cause it's not going to be pretty. All the kids ran out the door, not wanting to stay any longer or maybe they are just scared of Leo who knows. A lot of people are scared of him.

"We caught this guy sneaking around the shipments, boss." Antonio said Leo shook his head slowly. He looked at the guy dangerously calm while I'm standing here thinking of torturing him.

Leo took him to the basement and chained him up while the guy was looking at me and I was looking directly at him staring into his soul.

I could tell he shivered and got goosebumps. I smiled and walked towards him and pulled out a chair to sit in front of him.

"Now we can play easy or hard you choose, fella." I said playing with a hammer, he didn't answer.

"Alright boys, we're playing hard mode. My favorite mode to play, good choice." I said with a smirk and he looks absolutely frightened.

"Antonio, go background check him to see if he has any family or friends both would work." I said to Antonio.

I saw him walk out of the room and brought his computer. "He has a sister around 16, a mother in the hospital with cancer and a alcoholic father. He has a friend called Lucas. The guy here right now is Elliot."

"Thank you for that. Now Elliot let me ask again easy or hard mode?" I asked him. Now he knows that his family and friend is in danger.

He decided to speak. "Easy please." His voice was deep not as deep as Leo though.

What was I thinking?

"That's a disappointment but oh well at least you answered willingly." I pouted getting out of my seat to let Leo ask him questions. Leo wasted no time and asked "Who are you working for?" "No one"

I walked towards him putting a blade on his finger "are you sure you work for no one? no one at all?"

"Y-yes." I knew he was telling the truth, I just wanted to cut off his finger.

"Why were you sneaking around my shipments?"

"I n-needed money for my m-mom's s-surgery." He says tearing up

"How much did you need?"


"We'll give u 10,000, don't tell anyone about this or trust me it will not end good. Oh yea, we will be watching you everywhere you go." I answered before Leo can say anything.

"By the way, no one can get out without at least 1 mark." I used a belt and beat him until I was satisfied. "There you go, now after I unchain you. You better not go out and spread shit to the world alright?"

"Y-yes" I started unchaining him. I bend down to his ear and whispered "Run." He ran as fast as possible tripping almost on every step while I threw my head back and laughed hysterically.

He ran out the door like he was running in a marathon while I still laughed at him.

"Alright let's get home shall we?" I asked the guys

"We shall." Leo interwind his hands with mine and we went back home.

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