ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 21

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Leo's POV
The feeling of Antonio's betrayal has not fully sink in. He betrayed me. My childhood best friend betrayed me. He betrayed me because of jealousy.

Anastasia is hacking to see which part of Germany Mia is at while I tell my pilot and men to get ready for a flight to Germany. We had to be prepare in case we get ambushed, that would be bad.

Anastasia's POV
I had always grown up with quotes. Sometimes my 'parents' would actually be nice and give me riddles or quotes.

I never had friends because they could betray you anytime they liked.

I never loved because it's giving the person you love so much trust you are blinded by love to see what they are actually doing. They could be planning to do something bad but you wouldn't see it coming. All you would suffer from it was heartbreak.

Was I scared to love Leo? Yes. Did that stop me? Hell no. Did I overcome it? Yes. Did I regret it? No. Am I scared what's going to happen in the future? Yes I'm terrified.

I watch as Leo talked to someone on the phone. Telling them to get ready for the flight to Germany. I found Mia in Berlin, Germany.

We flew there almost instantly. To say I was nervous and scared was an understatement. "Hey, it's okay we are going to find her." Leo said hugging me. I inhaled his scent and calmed down.

I was woken up by Leo telling me we were here. I got in the car and we started driving to Leo's safehouse. I immediately got ready and brought everything I needed.

My one goal right now is to save my sister.

Right now we are in the car driving to her location. Guards were surrounded the place. We started shooting, the guards were all newbies.

I walked in and immediately smelled blood. I walk into different cells, all of them filled with girls.

They were bleeding, had cuts and look dead. I walked to each girls, untie them and asked them to get out.

If they couldn't we would take them in. I finally found Mia, she looks the most okay out of all of them.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry I couldn't get you in time. If I knew Antonio was a rat maybe I would have save you earlier-" "Stop. It's fine honestly at least you came. You are so smart and can you please train me better?" Mia had stopped me half way my speech.

"Yes, sure." I started too help her out. The girls had all got out, I doubled checked a room and saw a little girl. I felt bad for her. "Hey, let me help you get out. I won't hurt you." I started to help the little girl.

The girl started to fall unconscious. I quickly brought her to the safehouse hospital. I stand next to the girl the whole time. I didn't want her to feel alone when she wakes up, let alone I didn't want her to feel scared.

"Where a-am I?" She stuttered "Hey it's okay. You are in a hospital I saved you from the cell. Do you have a family you want to go to?" I asked softly, she shook her head 'no'.

"Please don't put me up for adoption." She pleaded "I won't. I'm scared the same thing would happen to you like it did to me." I said barely above a whisper.

"What's your name? I'm Anastasia" I said changing the topic "I'm Sage." She said smiling a little. "I'll adopt you okay? I won't hurt you at all. Since I adopted you, I have to tell you about my life style. I might as well tell you now." I said as she nodded.

"I'm in the Italian mafia, so your dad would be the don. We are just dating, we're not married. I need you to train and you can train along side with Mia. She's your aunt. If anyone hurts you, I want you to tell me okay?" She nodded understanding.

"Do you kill innocents?" She said sadly. "No, I don't I mostly kill people who mess with me or my family. I will mostly I kill rapist and abusers." I said as she smiled a bit.

"Also be aware, I might turn you into a psycho like I am but it's okay just control. Don't get out of control because that one time I did and I burned the my house down." I said chuckling, she laughed along.

I spent the whole day talking to her. I'm happy that I adopted her.

She is going to be my little devil. A mini me.

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