{In the mirror} Pt.2

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"W-what do you mean...?" Shadow asked.

"Kill him. Do it. I don't care." Myth said.

"M-Myth, are you ok?" Shadow asked. Myth laughed.

"Am I ok? I'm great! You go have fun, there's a knife on the couch if you want to use that!" Myth exclaimed. He put down the mirror and went out to take a walk. He walked through the dark jungle biome, hoping to see a parrot. Parrots reminded him of Shiratori. He kept walking around and not after long, he saw Sven. Shadow came out from behind a tree. 

"Are you sure you want me to do this?"

"I don't care." Shadow shrugged and took out the knife. 

"This is your last chance, I will kill him if you don't let me free into a body of my own." Shadow snapped.

"Just do it." Myth snapped back. 


"What do you mean 'why'?" 

"Why do you want me to kill him..."



"I don't know..."

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