The bench trio

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TubbooInnit (In a friend way you weird little shits-)

Tubbo and Tommy were doing an arm wrestle on the bench with Ranboo standing behind and making sure it was fair. 

"I will win!" Tubbosaid.

"No way am I letting you win this!" Tommy said. Ranboo leaned close to Tubbo and whispered something in his ear. Tubbo laughed. "What did you tell him Ranboo?!" Tubbo suddenly got his second arm and used it to knock down Tommy's. "Oi! That's cheating!" 

"Ranboo told me it was ok!" Tubbo exclaimed. Ranboo started laughing as he sat down on the bench next to Tubbo.

"Ranboo, you know what this calls for?" Tommy asked.

"Yes I do Tommy!" Ranboo exclaimed. He pinned Tubbo's arms behind him.

"TICKLE ATTACK!!!!" Both Tommy and Ranboo yelled. Tommy and Ranboo started tickling Tubbo.

"STOP IT! THIS IS UNFAIR! YOU KNOW I'M TICKLISH! I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!" Tubbo yelled through laughter. They all fell down laughing, it was a good day. They all hopped that one day they could find a land where there were no adults and everyday could be as happy as this one. But that was a dream, that was impossible to come true.

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