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I was cleaning the counter when I heard the door chime. I smiled up at Gad. He was invading the other patrons' space with creepy looks. He then locked eyes with me and waltzed over. I chuckled when he plopped on the barstool. He spun around a few times before loudly slamming his hands on the counter. He then leaned forward to speak to me.

"I want to cash in a favor with you." Gad played with his fingers while giving me a bone chilling grin.

"For what, Gad?" I smiled.

"Cleaning." He still creepily smiled.

"Sure! I get off in a few, so we can do something then."

"Good." He said in a high pitched voice.

I had to serve a few more tables until my shift was over. I went to Miss Brown and handed her the tips to share them evenly. She gave me all the tips, causing me to push the money back into her hands. She put her hands on her hips and gave me her infamous look. I gulped and shyly accepted the money. Miss Brown smiled and gave me a tight squeeze.

"You better keep her safe." She waved her finger threateningly at Gad.

"I swear on my lifeforce." He released a sinister laugh.

Miss Brown rolled her eyes and told me to hold on tight. She never liked Gad's motorcycle and thought the thing was a death trap. She often called it the devil's ride, which only made Gad more excited. I waved bye and followed Gad outside. He handed me his helmet and told me to hold on tight. I tried to get him to tell me where we'd be going, but he told me it was a surprise. The way he said surprise, made me think he'd more enjoy what we were doing rather than me. Whatever, I shrugged and wrapped my arms around him.

Gad sped down the road, but actually followed the rules of the road this time. I was surprised he wasn't going at a neck breaking speed. I rested my face against his back as I enjoyed the ride. It felt so freeing to have the wind blowing through my hair. I was tempted to spread my arms and imagine that I was flying away, finally free of all my burden. Unfortunately, it was just wishful thinking that could never happen.

I furrowed my brows when Gad pulled up to the abandoned railroad tracks. He turned the bike off and got off. I followed his motions, but ended up tripping. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and scooped me up. He did that action as if I weighed less than a feather. He placed me down and helped to remove the helmet. I bent down to use his bike's mirror to fix my hair.

"Why are we here?" I looked around and saw nothing. "Why'd you take me to an abandoned train tracks?" I tiled my head.

"For some fun."

He menacingly smiled and held his hand out. I shrugged and took his hand in mine. He walked me along the tracks. Gad actually decided that we should walk down the tracks, since it was much more daring than walking alongside them. I felt uneasy, but I followed his lead. The sun was setting, but I didn't really have to worry since Mama and my sisters are going into the city. They'll be back later, but I didn't have to worry about dinner for them.

We stopped when we entered the tunnel and walked in the darkness. I was getting a little scared since I couldn't see. The only thing that I could see was the glint of Gad's bright teeth. I used my phone as a flashlight, but Gad told me to turn it off. He claimed to know these tunnels like the back of his hand. I nodded to appease him and kept my fears to myself.

Gad suddenly stopped and turned to face the wall. I wasn't sure why he stopped, but I watched him squat down. He began to remove the bricks out the way, which revealed a hole in the wall. He bent down and walked inside the hole. Gad held his hand out for me to take. I gulped and put my shaking hand in his. He assisted me inside to an even darker tunnel.

The Devil Made Me Do ItWhere stories live. Discover now