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"I'm telling you Jer... something weird is going on." Jer spared me a glance while we walked down the halls. "I know it sounds crazy, but I think otherworldly stuff exists."

"Addy, maybe-"

"You promised to try and believe me." Jer sighed and rubbed his head. "Just look." I dragged him to the lockers and gave him my phone. "Watch and tell me this isn't a real scarecrow running after me." I clicked play. Jer's eyes widened the longer he watched. "See?"

"Addy." He hissed at me. "This isn't a person or animatronics. This things moves too smoothly to be a robotic structure." He began shaking. "What the hell?!"

"I don't know, but all the recorded stuff happens when I'm with Gad-"

"He obviously knows what's going on and wants to hurt you." I shook my head at him. "If he doesn't want you hurt, then why does he constantly bring you to these sketchy places?"

"I think he enjoys scaring me." I shrugged while Jer snorted. "Whenever the weird things get too close, Gad appears and saves me."

"I want to know why he puts you in these situations." Jer's eyes narrowed. "It's not safe and he's gambling with your life!" I flinched when he raised his voice. "Next time I see him, I'm gonna confront him."


"He needs to explain why he keeps doing this." He firmly told me. "Now, we need to find Gad and-"

"Hey, cripple." Jer and I rolled our eyes as my sisters approached us. "Feel grateful because we are inviting you to hang with us today."

"Sorry, but I have work-"

"Cancel it." Megan stated. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to go out with us."

"Maybe she doesn't want to go out with you guys." Jer stood protectively in front of me.

"Watch your mouth, nerd." Stephanie glared. "We can make your life a living hell." She threatened him.

"How much worse can you guys make it?!" He threw his hands in the air.

"Get the jocks to beat you up." Megan smirked when he gulped. "So are you-"

"I'll go with you guys." I stepped in front of Jer. "Just... please don't hurt him." They laughed as I begged them.

"We'll think about it." Megan sneered and walked away.

"I'm sorry you had to protect me." Jer sighed.

"I should be the one apologizing for dragging you into that mess." I sighed.

"How about this... you go with the mean girls and I'll search and then question Gad?"

"Be careful." I sternly told him.

"Always am." He kissed my cheek and left.


I was nervous as I stood outside the mall. Megan and Stephanie wanted me to join them at the food court. Jer texted me again to make sure I wanted to meet up with them. Well, I had to see them at home, so might as well not anger them. I gave myself a pep talk and entered the mall.

I window shopped as I passed the different stores. I began to fantasize what it would be like to have money and shop. I've been to the mall before, but Mama never bought me any clothes. I'd have to sit and watch Megan and Stephanie try on countless items. Once I made the mistake of asking for a shirt on sale... I received several lashings when I got home. I absentmindedly rubbed the area on my arms that still had the faint scar.

I felt my phone buzz, so I glanced down and saw that Stephanie was demanding where I was. I told her I was almost there. Stephanie told me to hurry up, before she left me on read. I pocketed my phone and walked deeper into the mall. I rounded the corner and stopped.

Why were Megan and Stephanie hanging with Gabby's clique and the football players? I felt uneasy, but one of the football players spotted me. Everyone turned to glare at me. Megan and Stephanie jumped out their seats and made a beeline to me. I was powerless against them dragging me towards the group. Gabby smirked and got more comfortable on Paxton's lap.

Megan and Stephanie had harshly pushed me into a booth. They then sat on either side of me, so I couldn't escape. I began to cower in Paxton's vicinity. Gabby and him locked eyes. She then smirked and passionately made out with him. I scrunched up my nose in disgust by their obnoxious PDA.

"Looks like she's jealous of Paxton." Megan smirked.

I was about to deny the accusation, but Gabby and Paxton sneered at me. Gabby grabbed her milkshake and dumped it on my head. I was too stunned to make a sound. The cold liquid dripped down my face while everyone laughed.

"Do you know why you're here, freak?" Gabby spat at me.

"Answer her!" I flinched at a football player yelling at me.


"Because you got him kicked off the team, cripple!" Stephanie smacked me. My mouth was wide open in shock from her physical assault.

"I think she deserves to be taught a lesson." Paxton deviously smirked.

Before I could make a sound, a football player shoved bloody panties in my mouth. I gagged, but my hands were restrained. Megan winked at me, indicating the panties were hers. I wanted to throw up, but they quickly moved me. My hearing aids were ripped out my ears and submerged in water. My eyes teared up since those are definitely ruined.

I was dragged outside, behind the mall. They threw me down and started kicking me. I flexed into a fetal position and tried to hold in my tears. I choked when someone kicked my chin. I felt my head snap back and my vision become cloudy. I felt tears falling from my eyes as my ribs began to hurt. I could see their lips spewing derogatory words at me.

Paxton delivered a final kick to my face before they walked away. I laid motionless on the ground. I was in so much pain that I couldn't move. My hand had a mind of its own as it began rummaging through my purse. It clasped around the ghost plushie. I brought it to my chest and began whimpering.

"It hurts so bad." I whispered through a raspy throat. "I'm in so much pain, Kiki." I don't know why I started calling out to her. "They hurt me so bad and crippled me... I'm really a cripple now." I cried, but then screamed at the pain in my stomach. "Help!"

I then felt myself be pulled into someone's lap. I yelled in pain, causing the person to halt the movement. I looked up through my tear filled eyes to see Kiki. Her eyes were widened in fear and pain. Her hands were in the air as she struggled to not touch me. I began shaking and coughing up blood. She began speaking, but I couldn't hear her beautiful voice.

"They took everything from me." I cried into her abdomen. 'I have nothing left to give." I gripped her shirt, which had a massive tear in it. I looked at it closer to see the tear looked as if a blade had cut it. "Why do they hate me so much?" I locked eyes with her. "I'm in so much pain."

I scrunched my brows in confusion when I felt her tears. I was then shocked to see my bruises heal where her tears touched. She looked at me with such guilt. I raised a shaky hand to touch her cheek. She nuzzled deeper into my hand and placed a kiss to it. The kiss was long and it was like she was trying to convey her emotions through that gesture. I then shrieked when I lifted my other hand. Kiki's eyes widened and she turned to see my broken wrist. Kiki lifted me up and carried me away. It was too much, so I blacked out.

Even though I was disoriented, I felt as if I was flying. I felt the wind ruffling my hair. I slightly opened my eyes and only saw clouds around me. I looked up to see Kiki with massive black wings. I smiled since the wings looked beautiful. I smiled and allowed my eyes to close again. 

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