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Kiki's POV

The only thing on my mind was to quickly save my friends, so that I could get back to Addy and apologize. I traveled to my Nevada residence and used the portal to journey to Hel. I then teleported to the border and crossed into the Dark Realm. It didn't take long for Lilitu's demons to gather around me. I held my hands up and kneeled, which allowed them to quickly subdue me.

They led me through the dark halls and to the dungeon. I heard a rumble in the air, accompanied by shouts. It looks like a war is brewing. I was then shoved inside a cell. I looked to the side and saw a beaten up Ken and a terrified Z.

"Wow, you two look rough." I commented.

"What are you doing here?" Ken questioned.

"Well, we heard you guys were trapped here, so I thought I better come and keep you guys company."

"Meaning you don't have a brilliant plan to escape?" Z was amazed.

"No..." I mumbled.

I didn't think things through. I was caught up in my emotions that I didn't even plan ahead. Well, hopefully Erana also felt the power fluctuations of Z and Ken when they were taken. If she did, then she'd raise an alarm, so...

"You are even stupider than I have ever imagined." Ken groaned.

"So... what did I miss?" I laughed to hide the pain I was feeling.

"Dead grandfather brought back to life." Z pointed at herself.

"And psycho aunt wants me dead and my girlfriend." Ken added.

"And her killer aunt also wants me to spite my maman remaining loyal to my mum... Lilitu is really confusing at times." Z shrugged.

"So you're saying no one knows that we've been taken?" Ken questioned to which I nodded. "Are you a dumbass?! You didn't tell one person!"

"Someone is bound to figure it out." I began looking for a weak spot in the chains. "We just have to hope they figure it out before we're dead." I smiled.

"Any idea how to get out of here?" Z motioned for Ken to break the collar. "And does anyone else think it's weird that they allowed us to be imprisoned together?"

"Either they severely underestimate us..." Ken grunted and broke the collar.

"Or we're doing exactly what they want." I broke my chains. "It's hard to know which it is." I then helped Z free Ken.

"Ideas?" Ken asked as we stood up.

"Don't get killed." I smirked.

"Don't split up!" We looked at Z weirdly. "Not my fault! In all the scary movies, the group splits up and then the killer gets them. I don't want to be the first to die!"

"I nominate Ken to be our sacrifice." I smirked while Ken rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." Ken rolled her eyes and walked to the cell door. "Can I get some help, you two?"

Z and I held our hands up. We smirked and then shot an energy blast at the door. We heard the guards groan in the hall. Ken was the first to step out and motion for us to follow her. We jogged down the hall and stopped to see a battlefield.

"It seems our missing presence was noticed." Z climbed up the railing. "Look!" She pointed at Adira on the back of a Pegasus. "Your mom is dope." She complimented Ken.

"Thanks... it seems that the demons are also here." Ken motioned at Erana and the demon army. So she did feel the power surge in the auras and took it seriously. I never doubted my BFFL.

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