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I barely slept last night since my mind was swirling with questions. It was weird that I felt safe, even though demons had attacked me. I was alone... well, I did feel a protective presence nearby, which I'm attributing to Kiki. She was probably aware that I didn't sleep a wink last night. I did my morning routine faster than usual since I didn't want to be home any longer than needed.

After making breakfast, I grabbed an apple and walked out the door. It's too early to wait for Jer, so I'll walk-

"Hey, sinner!" I turned and saw the motorcycle rolling up to me. "Get on." Gad smiled and handed me his helmet. "I'll give you a ride to school, so hold on." He snickered.

I smiled and took the helmet. Gad, as usual, helped to situate the helmet properly on my head. I climbed onto the back and held onto him as we drove to school. It didn't take long since Gad ignored every traffic light and speed limit. It was like he wanted to get me to school as fast as possible. Why-

"Hey, sinner!" He yelled over the wind. "I figure you have a lot on your mind, so I want to get you to school so we can talk!"

"Thanks." I muttered. He probably couldn't hear-

"You're welcome!"

"You can hear me?" I quietly asked.

"Yep! Super hearing!" He turned his head and pointed at his ears. "Almost there!"

I rested my head against his back as he continued to drive. It didn't take long until we arrived at school. I could feel a familiar chill, so I looked around. My eyes widened at seeing Kiki on the other side of the fields. Gad saw where my eyes were staring, so he glared at the girl. He helped remove the helmet and guide me inside the building. The entire time, I was looking over my shoulder to see if Kiki would follow us inside.

"She won't come in." I turned to look at Gad. "You made your wishes very clear and she won't violate them. She'll just pine outside." He cackled and led me to an empty room. "Take a seat, sinner! Professor Gad's class is about to start!" He jumped onto the teacher's desk and spread his arms out.

I softly smiled and sat in the front row. Gad did an exaggerated bow before backflipping off the desk. My eyes widened as he landed in a splits. He then laughed and cartwheeled up. Gad moved to the board and uncapped a marker.

"First question, sinner?" He widely smiled.

"What's going on?" I sighed.

"Well, it's a long story." Gad crossed his arms and pouted. "Oh! Bear in mind that she can hear everything we'll be talking about." He winked while I shivered at that. "Now, what's going on?!" Gad marched around the room while scratching his chin. "Demons want you dead."


"I know!" He laughed. "Crazy, right?!" He smiled.

"Gad, that's not funny. It's really scary."

"Why?" He titled his head.

"They want to kill me!"

"So?" My eyes widened in frustration. "They can't hurt you." He waved his hand around. "Not with me around... I've been killing any demon that dares come your way." He giggled.

"You've been- when you were limping that time?" He nodded. "How long have they been-"

"Hmm... ever since you first met the princess." He chuckled while my jaw dropped. "You piqued the interest of a very powerful dark angel, so she wanted you dead. But the princess didn't know... I think she may have just found out right now." He giggled.

The Devil Made Me Do ItWhere stories live. Discover now