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I was shaking while Kiki kneeled in front of me. She tried to hold my hands, but I flinched and pulled them back. Kiki's eyes fell to the point she almost cried. I instantly felt terrible and tried to correct my wrongdoings, but she stood and left the room.

Shortly after she left, a maid entered with soup and a fluffy blanket. The maid smiled and wrapped me in the weighted blanket. She then explained that the weighted blankets is a therapy treatment given to people suffering from anxiety. The maid smiled and handed me the bowl of soup, but I looked away. I wasn't hungry.

The maid tried to encourage me to eat, but I had no appetite after everything I had just witnessed. First, demons killed James and everyone in the cafe. Demons! Demons are real! I began shaking, so I tugged on the blanket. And then Kiki and Erana showed up and killed the demons. They k-killed pe-demons. Are demons even people or- I didn't know. I held my head in my hands as I remembered her saving me, flying me to a different state faster than the speed of light, and then revealing she's a devil. And not just a devil, but also the princess of Hel.

"You need to eat." I jumped at her voice behind me. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." She sighed and squatted next to me. "Will you please eat?" She held the bowl close to my face.

I eyed her wearily out the corner of my eye. She had a hopeful and pleading look on her face. My hand shook as I reached for the spoon. I was shaking so bad that the soup spilled off the spoon. Kiki looked down before attempting to retrieve the spoon from my hand. I quickly released the utensil before our skin could touch. Kiki looked absolutely heartbroken by my reaction.

I tried to speak, but I was so scared that I couldn't even form a word. Kiki turned her head and I could've sworn I saw a lone tear fall from her eye. She sniffled before reconnecting our eyes. I didn't want to make her feel even worse, so I focused on grabbing the spoon. I then slowly brought the utensil to my lips and sipped the delicious soup. Kiki smiled and urged for me to consume more. I slowly ate more of the food.

"You're eating because you're scared of what I'll do to you if you refuse... that's the reason you are eating, right?" I looked away from her tear filled eyes. "I see." She whispered. "I shall bring you back." She stood.

"C-Can we n-not f-f-fly?" I stuttered out.

"You don't want me to touch you?" I looked down while Kiki let out a heartbroken whimper. "If that is your wish, then yes."

"Thank you." I whispered.

Kiki led me to a mirror in her room. She waved her hand in front of it and said something in a different language. My eyes widened as the mirror changed into a metallic milky color. Kiki placed a foot inside and then motioned for me to follow her. I took a deep breath and walked through the mirror.

I then realized she brought me to the school grounds. Kiki turned around to ask me something, but I booked it for the school. I could hear her choke up while I ran farther and farther from her. I swung open the doors and almost ran into a few people. They yelped while I ran past them. When I turned the corner, I slowed down since she wasn't following me.

"Hey, freak!"

I was then harshly shoved into the lockers, knocking my glasses off. I bent down to revive them and place them back on my face. I looked to see Paxton and some football players surrounding me. They began laughing and pushing me into the lockers. One of Paxton's friends yanked my glasses off my face. I tried to grab them back, but I was shoved into the lockers. I squinted to see them in front of me.

"Leave her alone!"

Jer ran and shoved a football player. In return, he got sucker punched in the face. I gasped when Jer fell down. I squatted down and held his face. He groaned and assured me he was fine. We stood to see the football players jeering at us. Jer distracted me by fixing my hearing aid, so I originally didn't see that Paxton decked a football at my face. I turned at the last moment and squeezed my eyes shut.

The Devil Made Me Do ItWhere stories live. Discover now