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I woke up incredibly sore. I received a beating for coming home late last night. I winced and rolled off my bed. I sluggishly made my way to the bathroom, but Megan was blocking me. I didn't have my hearing aids in, so I didn't hear what she was saying. Based on how her lips formed, I deduced that she was mocking me and refusing me access to the bathroom. She then entered the room and loudly shut the door. I peered at the time and saw it was my scheduled time.

I touched my hand to the door and felt no vibrations. I sighed, knowing that she had no plans to actually shower or use the bathroom. She just wanted to mess with me. I took my toothbrush and toothpaste. I had to supply the hygienic necessities for the house, but couldn't use what everyone used. I had to buy my own stuff in addition to theirs. I went to the kitchen and brushed my teeth. I then quickly washed my face since Mama would beat me if she saw me using the kitchen for personal usage.

I went to my room and finished getting ready for the day. I had a little time to eat breakfast, so I poured myself some cereal. I was about to eat it, but my face was shoved into the milky liquid. I gasped and lifted my head up. I turned to see Mama yelling at me. I turned on my hearing aids.

"How dare you eat without making us our food first?!"

"I'm sorry. I thought-"

"Ungrateful brat!" She slapped me. "See this." She held the bowl. "Not for you." She poured it down the sink. "Now, make me my food!"

"Yes, ma'am." I quickly stood and went to the stove. "What would you like, ma'am?"

"How do you not know what she wants?!" Stephanie entered.

"What kind of disabled animal are you?!" Megan yelled at me.

I winced and began making pancakes. They seemed satisfied with the food. I sighed, noticing that I wouldn't have time to eat breakfast. I finished and plated the food for them. I handed them the syrup and stood. I had to wait for them to finish, so I could wash the dishes. I silently stood and scrunched up my nose when Megan burped. Mama chugged her Diet Coke before standing up. I waited for Megan and Stephanie to be down before I washed the dishes. They were talking about random things instead of eating, so it took a while.

They realized they were late, so they quickly ate. I rolled my eyes since this could've been avoided if they had just eaten from the start. Megan smirked and slapped me across the face. I held back a whimper while the two laughed. I then cleaned the dishes and raced out the house.

Jer's car was actually waiting outside my house since I was super late. I smiled and ran to his car. He glared at my sisters, but I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He was still tense, but drove away. The ride was silent, except for me eating the cereal bar he handed me.

We arrived at school slightly late. Jer and I had to run inside to actually make it to class on time. I slumped into the chair and looked at the teacher. He gave me a small smile and turned to the board. I took out my notebook and began scribbling down notes.

I then felt something hit my head. I turned my head to see the footballers laughing and pointing at me. I sighed and turned to face the front, but I felt more objects hit my head. It was hard to ignore them since my head was starting to hurt. I winced when a pen hit my head.

The class ended, so I quickly left. I went to the girl's locker room to change. I had gym and I wasn't looking forward to it. I wasn't athletic at all and hated this class. I walked to some of the other nerds. We gave each other sympathetic smiles since we'd probably be on the same team. We groaned when the coach announced that we would be playing flag football. The footballers cheered while we groaned.

As expected, the nerds were on one team. This was supposed to be flag football where you pull the person's belt. The footballers treated this like real football and tackled people. I squealed and stopped before a guy could tackle me. He laughed while I was horrified at almost being ran over. The guy who wanted to tackle me was huge, so I would've broken a bone or something.


I looked at a guy clutching his arm. I had to look away since his bone was at an odd angle. Paxton, the football captain, laughed and stood up. He ruffled the injured guy's hair and jogged to his buddies. I crouched down and helped the injured boy. He had tears in his eyes, so the footballers pointed and laughed. They called him a sissy and told him to grow up. The coach ran over and yelled at Paxton.

"What's wrong, coach?" Paxton smirked and widened his arms. "He ran into me, but I didn't go down easily." His buddies smirked and chest bumped him.

The coach had me take the injured student to the nurse. I agreed and brought him to the nurse. He thanked me. I gave him a smile and went to the lockers since class was almost over. I entered to see the girls changing. I found my stuff and opened the combination.

I was changing when I heard Gabby harassing another girl. I turned to see Gabby have her friends bullying the poor girl. They put gum in the girl's hair while they took her glasses. Gabby felt my eyes, so she turned to me. I jumped and looked away.

"Were you staring at me?" Gabby left the girl and walked to me. "Answer me!" I flinched and turned to her. "Can't hear me or something?" She mocked.

"N-No, I just-"

"Were you checking me out?" She gestured to her half naked appearance. She didn't have a shirt on, so her bra was the only barrier. "Are you looking there?"

"No. I wasn't-"

Gabby shocked me by grabbing my hand. She then placed it on her breast. My eyes widened and I immediately yanked my hand back, but Gabby already had the attention of the locker room. She then gasped and stepped back.

"She touched me! She violated me!"

"What? No, I didn't-"

"Dyke!" She shoved me back. "She touched me!"

I quickly ran out the room because I didn't want to deal with Gabby anymore. I went to my next class and sighed. At least I'm safe from Gabby for 50 minutes.


I had a free period, so I went to my locker. Jer was already leaning against it. He gave me a smile when I walked up to him. Jer was telling me about how his little sister wants this complicated gift. I chuckled when he told me that she wanted him to bake her the Sleeping Beauty cake. I laughed when he told me that she saw it on Insta and wanted him to recreate it.

"How am I supposed to do that?! I'm not a baker!"

"I can help you." I giggled.

"Really?" His eyes were wide.

"Ya. I've never made a cake like that before, but it should be fun." He smiled and hugged me. "Ouch." I groaned.

"What's wrong?" He released me. I blushed and looked down. "Why are you in pain- what's that?" He pulled up my sleeve. "Are those bruises?!" I still kept my head down. "Addy, that's-"

"Hey, deaf girl!"

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