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Kiki's POV

Erana and I raced to a portal and traveled to Pennsylvania. We gasped since we couldn't detect anyone's aura. Erana then focused and concentrated on Ash's aura. She nudged me into following her to Russia? We landed to see the boys bruised and bloody. Where's Addy?!

"Where is she?!" I growled and picked Gad up by his collar. I then slammed him into the wall. "Tell me!" I demanded.

"White Fang." Ash choked out. Erana knelt down to place a hand on Ash. "She- ugh." He fell into Erana's lap.

"She took Addy." Gad breathed out. "She took her." Gad cried out.

"Where?" I brokenly whispered.

"She left that." Ash pointed at a card nuzzled into a door.

I released Gad, causing him to fall to the ground. I yanked the card out and read it. White Fang stated that she brought Addy to Hel. I don't know why she was telling us this, so this must be a trap. I locked eyes with Erana, who nodded. Erana would join me after the boys healed enough. I allowed the darkness to absorb me and instantly take me to a portal.

I walked through a portal and arrived back in Hel. Even though I was in the human realm for a few minutes, it seems that hours have gone by in Hel. I gulped at seeing it nearly pitch black and lots of lightning and fire. Addy, what did you do? I almost fell over at how powerful her aura felt. She's going to kill everyone here!

I flew to her aura and blew through the palace wall. Addy was maniacally laughing while she pelted Alabas to the ground. She then turned to an almost dead Baal and used a spiked club to bash his head in. My mom was severely injured, but Addy was more concerned with murdering my brother.

"Addy!" I got her attention. My eyes widened at seeing her white eyes. I-I've never seen them when I was normal, so this was a sight.

"If it isn't my darling, Kikimora." Dark Addy laughed and stuck a nail through Baal's eye. "What took you so long?" She breathlessly asked. "You took too long, so I had to start the fun without you." She dusted her hands off.

"Addy." I held my hand up as she slowly approached me. "You need to stop-" I was cut off by her slamming me into the wall. "Stop, Addy! You'll kill them-"

"That is what the prophecy stated, right?" She tilted her head and wickedly smiled. "I'm just seeing it through." She smirked. "But you appear hesitant to help me..." She pouted. "So I'll just give you a jumpstart."


I was cut off by her pressing her lips to me. I tried to fight her off, but she pinned me down and deeply kissed me so that the darkness would overpower me. My eyes widened since Addy was using a different tactic to poison me with darkness. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I allowed myself to succumb to the evilness it so craved.

Addison pulled back with a satisfied smirk. I darkly smiled and attacked her lips. Addison tangled her hand in my hair and passionately kissed me back. She then broke the kiss and licked my lips.

"I want you to kill Lilith." She turned my face to see my injured mom. "She's been very rude, sexy." Addison purred into my ear. "She wanted me dead!" My eyes narrowed at the woman I called mom. "Kill her."

"At once, my Queen."

I then blasted my mom into a different room. Addison chuckled while I left to finish off my mom. My mom pushed herself up, only to fall down from my kicks. I yanked her up by her hair and pummeled her face with my fist. I then threw her down and kicked her abdomen. My mother skidded until she slammed into a wall.

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