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Kiki's POV
4 years ago

I was dying of boredom while Gello reported the updates in Hel. She noticed my spaced out face and threw a book at me. I fell out the chair while she went back to reading from the never ending scroll. I glared as I sat back in my chair.

"How much longer?!" I groaned.

"If you pay attention then I said I was done!" Gello snapped. "Now, what have you done impactful here?" She started looking at my papers. "Hmm... nothing of substance."

"Did I ask you here to critique me?!"

"You received my opinion for free. Now!" I jumped when she slapped her hand on my desk. "What have you done about Lara's disappearance?"

"Wasn't really that concerned." I gave her a toothy grin, but Gello simply glared. "Ugh! I've looked into it, but can't find anything. I've sent people to different realms, but they haven't found a trace of her."

"Hmm... and you have no intention of searching and freeing her daughter?" I quirked a brow. "Zena?" I still gave her a confused pikachu face. "I've told you about her multiple times!"

"And yet I still don't recall." I smirked.

"Well, you better recall because the child is destined to be powerful." I groaned in annoyance. "The child is the product of Lara and Amelia. Lara is a powerful vampire/ witch hybrid and Amelia is a powerful wolf. Zena will be able to cause chaos."

"You want her dead, Gelly bean?" I teased, but she harshly flicked my forehead. "What do you want?" I groaned and rubbed my forehead.

"I want you to take this more seriously." She approached the door.

"How about I kill Zena for fun?" I snickered while Gello rolled her eyes. "Oh come on! Her soul might be tasty." I licked my lips. "Gell-"

"Actually do something productive, incompetent heir." I chuckled when she left the room.


Present day

I looked at my phone to see a bunch of crying emojis from my cousin, Naomi. She's crying over Zena rejecting her advances. Yes, it's ironic that the infamous Zena is mated to my cousin. Cue the teasing. Anyways, I was about to respond, but my security guy pointed at the screen. I placed my phone down and followed his finger.

I smirked as I watched the tv screens. That prick really thinks he can cheat in the poker game. I snapped my fingers and motioned for the security to confront the guy. They quickly nodded and left to dispose of the man. My security around the casino consists of demons in the lower courts of Hel. They're serving out their sentence by being my disposable help.

I chuckled as the guy struggled against the burly security guards. He was thrown into the chair where he met my hardened eyes. He began screaming at me, but I paid him no attention. I motioned for the demons to have their way with him. I smiled when I could feel his soul diminishing until it was nonexistent. I then had them dispose of the body out back.

"RaRa!" I turned just in time for Erana to jump into my arms.

"What's up?" I giggled and placed her down. "And I have appearances I need to maintain." I motioned to the demons eyeing me in confusion.

"Well, I am above them, so..." Erana grabbed my arm and dragged me away.

I shook my head in amusement as she took me to my office. Erana kicked the door close and jumped into my chair. I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. Erana got comfier and kicked her feet onto my desk.

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