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Jer and I arrived at my house, so I could pick up the ingredients. I was able to leisurely enter since no one was home. I brought the stuff to the car and we took off to his house. I always loved coming here since his mother was so loving. She always teased us about getting married, but Jer and I would just laugh her off.

Jer went to the back to pick up the wood. He nearly fell over from how heavy it was. He began muttering about how the hell Kiki was able to carry it. I helped him carry it inside. We plopped it onto the counter and took labored breaths. I lightly pushed him and started fishing through the bag. I pulled out the ingredients and ordered him to get to work.

Jer played some music on his speaker. We sang and danced while mixing the batter. I placed the materials down and grabbed Jer's hands. He chuckled and told me he can't dance, but who cares?! I danced with him and had him spin me around. I stumbled so he quickly wrapped his arms around me.

I laughed at my clumsiness, but didn't hear anything from him. I looked to see Jer staring at me with a look I've never seen before. He looked at me lustfully? The oven dinged, which shook us out of our trance. Jer set me upright while I sped to the oven. What the hell just happened?!

I got the mittens and grabbed the pans. I placed them on the counter and allowed them to cool. I then had Jer help me in cutting the wood. We worked together and only talked when needed. It was slightly awkward, but I pushed the feeling aside.

"This is complicated." He stared at the picture. "How do we even-"

"Don't think. Just do."

I smiled and grabbed his hands. I then began to show him how to ice the cake. He blushed and followed my lead. I placed the cakes on the structure and attached the broom. I then told Jer to go crazy with the icing. He chuckled and began to lather icing randomly around the cake.

"What's going on in here?" Jer and I jumped at his mom's voice. "Did I scare you guys?" She chuckled and hugged us. "You need to come over more often, Addy." She smiled at me.

"It's because Karen refuses to allow her a life." Jer snarked.

"She's still bad?" Jer's mom sighed.

"It could be worse." I gave her a small smile. "But Jer is helping me get through it." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"When's the wedding?" Jer and I blushed. "I'm just joking... but I wouldn't mind you as my daughter in law." She winked, causing us to blush even more.

"She'll even tolerate your lovely family." Candice sarcastically said. She walked over to give me a hug. "I missed you." She then looked past me. "Ooooh, what's that Jer?" She wiggled her brows.

"Go away, Candice." He groaned.

"Do you like the cake?" She nodded at me. "Good because it was complicated."

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Candice laughed and began taking pictures of it. I remembered my promise to Kiki, so I took some pictures as well. Candice was teasing her brother, so I used the opportunity to craft a message to Kiki. It was surprisingly hard since I wanted to appear cool. I sighed, not knowing what to say. Kiki was the walking embodiment of cool, so what do you say to a person like her?

I sulked because I didn't know what to say. Candice walked over to me while I was typing on my phone. She noticed my struggle and pieced everything together. I gasped when she grabbed my phone. She then sent the message and handed me my phone back.

Like the cake?

You better cuz that's not the only cake you're getting tonight

"Candice!" I hissed at her, but she was hysterically laughing.

"If that doesn't make an impression, then I don't know what will." She then went to cut the cake.

"It's not even your birthday yet!"


I had to go home shortly after since Mama and my sisters were expecting dinner. Jer and his family were disappointed I had to leave so early. When his dad came home, he was so excited and offered to take us all out for dinner. I had to politely decline, causing them to frown. Candice gave me a hug and thanked me for the cake. I smiled and hugged her back.

Jer took me to his car and drove me home. We both groaned at seeing the cars in the driveway. I gave Jer a hug and went to leave, but he held me back.

"Sneak out later." He smiled.

"I can't." I frowned. "I'd be dead if they-"

"Sneak out at night. Isn't Karen a heavy sleeper?"

"Yea, but-"

"Then you can sneak out." He smiled.

"But my sisters-"

"Are more preoccupied being idiots than paying attention to the most important girl in the world." I melted at his words.

"I'll try. If I'm not by the bus stop at 11, then the plan failed." He nodded and gave me a hug. "See you later."

I got out the car and ran to the door. I opened it and tried to be quiet, but Megan heard me. She loudly announced that I had arrived. Mama came up to me and slapped me. I think this has become our regular greeting. She then told me to get the dinner ready. I nodded and speed walked to the kitchen.

I made a roast chicken with vegetables, but Mama picked the vegetables up and threw them in the trash. She said I knew better than to make her vegetables. I received a hit to the back of my head. She then ordered me to make something better. They wanted me to make a cheesy casserole which I thought was disgusting. However, they loved all the cheeses mixed together. I didn't even want to eat that dinner, so I went to my room.

I unlocked my phone and checked my messages. My heart fell since Kiki hadn't texted me back. She didn't seem like the type to ghost someone due to a raunchy message. If anything, she was the type to engage in the behavior. Why didn't she text me back? Did she not want to be friends?

I tried to find her on social media. I didn't have one since Mama banned me from having one. It wasn't fair since she, Megan, and Stephanie had social media accounts. I had a finsta, so I used it to find Kiki. It shocked me that she didn't have a social media account. There weren't that many Kikimora's on Insta, so I decided she didn't have one. I then tried Facebook, but she didn't show either.

I flopped onto my back and groaned. Come on, Kiki. Just respond back. It's only been like 2 hours since I texted you. Jeez, I can't believe I'm stressing that she didn't respond back to me after a couple hours. I glanced at my clock and saw that it was 10:30. I better get ready since I'll be sneaking out soon.  

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