162. Dream.

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Giggles of a little boy reaches my ears.
I look up from my book.

A boy runs into the room, Clay chasing him.
The boy giggles, half scared half happy.
'Come here!' Clay says as the boy climbs onto the bed,
Hiding next to me.

'Morning buddy.' My voice says as I pat his head.
'Mommy, daddy's being scary.' The boy giggle as he nervously holds the hem of his shirt.
'Daddy's always scary.' I joke.

The boy moves to sit on my lap, facing me.
'What ya readin?' The boy asks as I lay the book down.
'A book I've given your dad a couple of years back.' I say as I tickle the boys side.
He laughs and moves away.

His big green eyes look up at Clay as he stands next to the bed.
He kneels down, and the boy kisses his cheek, making Clay smile and pat his head.
The boy turns to me to, and kisses my nose. I chuckle and hug him into me.

'That's my wife, you can't do that!' Clay says fakely offended.
The boy giggles and leans against me.

I wake up,
Tears fill my eyes.

Sun rises, and soon this will be over.

Oh no.

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