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I look both sides of the road.
'Who is that?' Clay says as he sees him walk up.

I want to turn and run away, but I'm to late as he reaches us. Clay wraps his arm around my shoulder and keeps me to him as I hold the hem of his shirt. 'Why the hell would you run?!' The anger makes me take a step back. A small one seeing how Clay keeps me with him. 'What daughter would run away from her father when she sees him after years?!'

I swallow hard.

I would. After you gave me way to many reasons to.
'Sir, it-' 'the fuck are you?!' Clay tried to fend for my side, but my father isn't having it. 'Don't yell at him.' I say as I fight hard to keep my voice clear. My fathers wife walks up and just seeing her makes me fill with thousand emotions. 'So you live here, huh? Never felt the need to inform me?' Father says. 'What would It have changed?' I ask. 'You would be a little less of an embarrassment to me, that's what.' He says. I flinch at the insult. This is why I didn't say. This is why I ran. This is why I fought so hard to erase you from my future.

My father reaches to grab me, but Clay pulls me back, standing in front of me. At this, my father gets even angrier. He grabs Clays shirt 'no! Let him go!' I say as I try to get between them. 'I will kindly ask you to leave her alone.' Clay says calmly. 'That's my daughter, brat. I have every right to do what I want.' Father snaps. 'It doesn't look like she wants to see you.' Clay states the obvious. Calmly. My fathers knuckles turn white as they grip Clays shirt. 'Let him go, father. This has nothing to do with him.' I say as I try to get him to let go. My father laughs 'he just made it so that he's part of it. Telling me my daughter is scared of her father.' He says angrily. 'She got really scared when she saw you and wanted to leave.' Clay says. It's insane how calm he sounds. No anger. Nothing.

'What fucking reason would she have asshole?!' My father asks Clay. 'I wouldn't know, but I bet she has enough reasons.' Clay says. My father lets him go, having me thinking that he's okay, but then he hits Clay. 'Let me fucking talk to my daughter.' 'Clay!' I want to reach to him but I yelp as my wrist gets grabbed and a snapping sound and feeling go through me. 'You through you could fucking run.' My father says as he stands closer. 'I- I didn't. You know I just moved because I wanted to. No other reason then that.' I say. 'You knew!' His voice booms through the narrow street 'You knew I didn't want you to move!' His grip on my wrist tightens, making me whimper.

I hear a car stop and doors open. 'What's going on here?' I man's voice asks. I turn to look. I see a man and woman walk up, two kids still in the car. 'Is this man harming you young lady?' The woman asks. My father scoffs and lets me go. The second he does Clay pulls me to him. I hold his arm 'he...' I don't know what to tell them. My father gives me an angry look 'I'll find you again. We're not done.' He says before turning away, taking his wife by his hand and walking off. The woman looks worried. 'It's, Uhm, we're alright now. Thank you for your help.' I say to the people. Trying my hardest to not break down. 'Are you sure?' The man asks. 'Yes.' I answer.

The people leave and I turn to look at Clay. I reach for his face and trace the tiny scar and lightly bruised skin on his cheekbone. My eyes tear up 'I'm so sorry.' I say. 'it's okay.' He says as he pulls me into him. 'It's okay. It's alright.' He says. Sounding like he needs to convince himself of it as well. 'I'm so sorry you had to be a part of that. I'm sorry. Does your cheek hurt?' I ask. He kisses the top of my head 'it's okay. Don't be sorry, you had to go through that as well.' He says.

We head to the place we wanted to eat anyways.

Trying to shake off what happened.

I stare at the table in front of me as I chew on a piece of lettuce.
At least he doesn't know where I live.

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