116. Burn.

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First night in the new place felt weird.

I make my way down the stairs and I walk into the kitchen, Clay is making tea. The kettle turns off, meaning the water is boiled. I walk around him to see if I can help.

Clay picks up the kettle, expecting it to be heavier then it is. He moves it up too fast, top opening and water spilling out.

Seeing how I'm slightly behind him, it lands on my side. 'Ah!' I yelp as it Burns my skin. I hop on one leg and try to pet it off, but it soaked my clothes. I whine as I lean against the table, at least being able to lift my shirt up. It's all over my side, hip and upper leg. I whine trying to stay quiet. 'Oh god! I'm so sorry!' Clay quickly moves over and helps me stand.

Tears in my eyes as I stand on one leg. 'It's burning.' I say. Clay picks me up carefully. I flinch as my leg moves. I grip his shoulder 'it hurts.' I whimper. 'I know. I'm so sorry.'

He goes upstairs and to the bathroom.
He sets me down in the shower and quickly turns on the water. Making sure it's lukewarm. The water from the shower cools the boiling water in my clothes. My whole side aches.

I'm holding onto Clay as I stand on one leg, the other barely touching the ground. 'I'm so sorry. God, I'm sorry.' He says. I lean my head on his shoulder, both of us soaked in the cold water. I'm shaking by how cold it is and the pain in my side and leg gets worse. I whimper again. 'Jesus I fucked up. I'm so sorry, Amelia. I'll get you some dry clothes and I'll drive you too the hospital, stay under the water.' I nod and let him go.

I carefully peel off my shirt. There is already a red mark. I cry out as I try to slip off my pants. I bite my lip as tears fall from my eyes. Clay hurries back inside, when he sees me he stops me, taking both hands in his. 'Shh. Don't do that.' He says. 'I need it off.' I say. 'How much do you love those pajamas?' He asks. I look up at him, chuckling at his expression 'less then my leg.' I say.

Clay gets scissors and cuts it off. He turns the water off, lifting me out of the bathroom. I'm completely shaking. 'Here.' He says as he places a towel over me. 'I'm so sorry.' He says again. 'I know. It's okay.' I say. He turns around so I can change my underwear. I put on the bra he choose and then try the panties, when I move down to put them on, a sharp pain shoots through me. 'I can't.' I say.

Clay looks away as he moves closer. 'What do I need to do?' He asks. 'I need my panties on.' I say. He has his eyes closed when he turns to me. The wind that forms by his movement pricks my skin. He holds the panties for me and I step into them. He moves them up, all while still having his eyes closed. When he reaches the part that's burned I grip his shoulder. 'Wait.' I say. He stops what he's doing. 'I'll be careful. Promise.' I loosen my grip and he goes on. It does hurt, but less then I expect. Seeing how the panties rest on a part of the burn, it is painful.

He opens his eyes and moves to hand me a dress like shirt that I bought a while back. 'Dress thingy.' He says as he hands it over. It's smart. As I put it on, he does my socks. He catches a glimpse of the burn and his eyes widen. 'Jesus.' He says. I look down to see that the skin is swollen and blistered. Part of it is peeling off and it's bright red. I lower the dress shirt

I start to walk, going very slowly as I make my way down the stairs. When downstairs, Clay puts on the black boots I have, and hands me my jacket as he gets his on.

He gets my keys and unlocks the front door before opening it. The cold air that gets in from outside makes me whimper, it stings and burns. 'Come on.' Clay says as he lets me out first. In the car the pain gets worse, making me shift in the seat. 'Oh I'm so sorry.' Clay says as he frowns. 'It's okay.' I say, knowing that my face says otherwise.

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