135. Together.

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Rain soaking my clothes, I stand in front of Clay.

As he so kindly smiles, I know that, no matter what we decide to do next, we'll do it together.

A stunning silence and comfort fills our surroundings.
The pattern of the rain, the hard wind in the trees, and the low rumbling miles away.

'What are we going to do?'

My voice is small as I'm safely wrapped up in his arms, his heat warming me as the wind cools me down. 'I don't know, what do you want to do?' The rumble in his chest caused by his voice seems familiar. The comforting hugs he's given me so often having felt the same. 'There is so much to discuss.' I nearly whisper as i voice my thoughts. 'There is.'

I pull back to look at the man I have given everything to.

Otherworldly and vaguely threatening.

'This all happened so fast.'

He nods and looks away.
My eyes trace his features as I chew the inside of my cheek.
Blonde hair, tan skin, light freckles.

I adore the way he talks, and the way he is, but I don't know how I could have let it come to this.

The rumbling of the storm shakes the fear loose inside of me.

He turns to me from looking at the sky, droplets falling from his usually fluffy hair.
'I'm scared.'
The words weigh heavy and are like sandpaper to my throat.

He lets out a breathy chuckle, eyes falling down to the puddles at our feet.
'Me too.'
The words are bittersweet.

Maybe this won't work out and we'll have to get rid of it -bitter
Maybe this will all fall into place, and we'll be okay -sweet

'Hey guys?!'
I turn to look at the doorway, inviting warm light glowing in the dark gloom of the storm and nearing Night. 'It's cold out, you should come inside.' Kim says. 'We will.' I say back loud enough for her to hear. 'Just one minute.' Clay says.

She nods and heads back in, disappearing into the warm and inviting hallway.

'Remember what I told you at the hotel?'
'As long as we're together we'll be fine?'
Clay nods and steps closer, water splashing under his feet.
'We'll be fine. No matter the decision we make.'

I breath in.
I breath in the comfort of love.
And exhale the terrifying, rushing thoughts.

We'll be alright.

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