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Anna apologized in a couple day's time, and I chose to forgive her. Daniel and I were still good friends, but nothing more- though some didn't believe it.

It was the first week of February when I realized the last time I'd talked with Connor was months ago.

"You think he's cheating?" I asked my friends nervously.

Jen shook her head. "Fell out of love, maybe, but I don't think he'd cheat."

"Are you happy with him?" Madelyn asked suddenly.

"Not as much as I was before," I admitted after a moment's silence.

"I'm just asking, so don't get mad at me for saying this, but... why are you still with him then?" Jen asked softly.

"I don't know," I replied. "I know I should probably end things... I'll do it when I find the courage to."


Februrary 14 - Valentine's Day

I didn't exactly "find the courage" for a good while.

It was only when something came up on my YouTube for you page that I realized. The clip was of a super sweet couple looking so happy. When was the last time I'd ever felt like that with Connor?

He didn't even text me. Well, to be fair, neither did I, but I felt like the only one making an effort in our relationship, and I wanted to change that.

Obviously that hadn't gone well. Connor had just ghosted me.

That's it. I'm breaking up with him.

After taking a deep breath, I typed up a quick text and pressed send with a trembling finger.

I paused.

Did I really just do that?

Not wanting to think about it, I went to sleep.

yep , broke up with the dude on the day of love and i didnt even realize it... im so evil 😈


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