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"Oh no. I know that look. It's your I-hate-life-right-now look," Harper chuckled as I walked over to my friends among the other kids, waiting for the bus.

"You're not wrong." I flung my heavy backpack off my shoulders, feeling at least 50 pounds lighter.

"Why though?" Callie asked.

"4th and 7th period," I simply replied.


Harper questioned, "What happened in 7th period?"

Callie told Lexi, Harper, and Tessa in extreme detail about everything.

Lexi laughed. "What is up with your love life today?"

I whirled around at her. "Love life? I don't like anyone right now."

Tess smirked. "But that doesn't mean that nobody likes you!"

I rolled my eyes and shoved her playfully. "Can we talk about something else?"

I'm pretty sure my face was on fire by then.

"Oh yeah, have you guys read this yet?" Callie took out a huge book out of her backpack and showed it to us. "It's called Keeper of the Lost Cities and it's legit amazing..."

The bus finally came, and I took my usual seat next to Callie. Lexi and Harper were in the the row in front of us. Tessa was in the seat across from us, and her brother Ian sat down next to her.

"Oh, Ian and I are having a party at our house this Friday! You guys in?" Tessa asked. Today was Monday, so it was in a few days. We all agreed, and the bus stopped. We all got off.

"Don't forget to invite other people to the party!" Tess shouted before going inside her house.

I laughed, and as soon as I walked inside I yelled, "I'm home!" as always. But this time, there was no reply.

Usually either Malina or Michael greeted me, since their high school ended before my school. My parents weren't home since dad was at work and mom was usually out running errands by this time.

I went into the kitchen and gasped. Dawn was on the floor shaking, and Malina was trying to calm her down, throw up covering most of the floor.

My sister noticed me standing there.

"Seriously, Melody? Did you even think twice before leaving the house?" she shouted.


"Chocolate! You were eating chocolate this morning, remember? You left the half-eaten Twix bar on the kitchen countertop and Dawn ate it!"

"I-I didn't know-"

"You didn't know?! If you have a head, use it to think! Are you just going to carry it around? Is there anything in your head at all?!" Malina yelled. "How are you even in 7th grade? You have the IQ of a squirrel!"

I took a step back. I didn't know how such stupid words could make me feel so bad, but my self esteem was degraded by the end of my sister's sentence.

"What's going on?" Michael asked, coming downstairs.

I pushed past him and ran into my room, ignoring the shouts as I locked the door. I went straight to my bed, burying my face in my pillow, squeezing it tightly as I cried.

I stayed there for who knows how long, even after my tears stopped.

When I finally lifted my head, it was dark outside. I slowly got up and pulled my hair loose from the braid I'd put it in that morning.

I sat down at my vanity, wiping off the bit of makeup that was on my face. I then collapsed onto my bed again, not even bothering to change or brush my teeth.

i'm pretty sure it was something other than chocolate, but i don't remember, so we'll just say it's chocolate


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