5 Weekend at Bobby's: Part 4

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The following day, Bobby told us that he sent Sam and Dean off to Scotland to find and dig up Crowley's bones. He also didn't want Nate and me in the house alone, so he took us to meet Sheriff Mills. We had been leaning against his car on a bridge when she pulled up and parked her patrol car.

She stepped out and walked toward us. "I got a call from Marcy Wards. Seems she had a little 'home invasion?' Told her I'd look into it." She smirked. "Didn't bother filing a report."

"Thanks." Bobby took a deep breath. "I need a favor."

"Luther Vandross show up? Tell him I'm a fan," Sheriff Mills said.

"His real name is Rufus Turner. He's being held in Andover, Mass., on a burglary charge. I need you to get him extradited here," Bobby said.

Sheriff Mills raised her eyebrows. "Extradited? Extradited for what?"

"Murder," Bobby said.

Sheriff Mills laughed and then realized Bobby wasn't kidding. "You're not joking?"

Bobby shook his head, and she looked shocked.

"Do you have any idea what it takes to extradite a prisoner?" she asked. "I'd need a court order, permission from the DA... I— I would have to call in every marker I've got and hand out a few to boot."

"So you're saying there's a chance," Bobby said.

"And if by some miracle we can get him here, then what?" Sheriff Mills asked. "Then your pal's here on a murder charge. How are you gonna get him out from under that one?"

Bobby shrugged. "Let me handle the B side."

Sheriff Mills laughed. "I like you, Bobby." She shook her head. "But this could nuke my career."

Bobby sighed. "Look, I've done a lot for this town. Some you know about." He tilted his head. "Some you don't. And I'm not real good at this whole asking for help thing, but—"

"I'm sorry, Bobby. I can't." She shook her head, got into the patrol car, and drove off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With Bobby feeling at a loss, we went back to the house and hung out for a while so he could figure out what to do next. A little bit later, there was a knock on the door, and we all got up and walked over. Sheriff Mills was standing at the screen door with Rufus next to her.

Rufus had a massive smile on his face. "Miss me?" He walked past us toward the kitchen.

Bobby looked at Sheriff Mills in shock. "How did you—"

She shook her head. "Don't ask. You got one hour, then I call the Feds and tell them he busted out."

"Thanks," Bobby said.

"I lose my job over this. I am taking it out on your ass!" she shouted and then walked out of the house.

The three of us walked into the kitchen where Rufus stood, waiting for us.

"Please tell me the ring is still in your stomach," Bobby said.

Rufus fished through his pocket and pulled the ring out.

Bobby sighed as he stared at the ring. "I'll go boil some water." Then he walked past Rufus to grab a pot.

Rufus shrugged. "What?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After Sheriff Mills and Rufus left, we went down to the basement, where Bobby had Nate and me pour a salt circle while he prepared a spell.

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