5 Weekend at Bobby's: Part 2

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We walked through the woods holding hands for about five minutes when we stopped in front of a large tree with a ladder built into it.

I looked up and saw that it led up to a treehouse. "Whoa, how long has this been here?"

Nate shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't asked Bobby about it."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, I checked... it's on his property." He sighed. "I don't want to bring up bad memories if he built it for the kids he never got to have."

I nodded, feeling a little sad about that thought. "Yeah, good point."

"Well, you gonna go up?" Nate asked, gesturing to the ladder.

I laughed. "What if the floors rotted?"

He shook his head. "It's not. I reinforced them and redecorated."

I raised my eyebrows and nodded. "All right." I grabbed onto the ladder and started climbing up.

At the top, I pulled myself in and checked it out. The floor was clear of any dirt or leaves. The windows had old flannel shirts for curtains. There was a couch made out of pillows, some blankets, and beat-up car seats. He also had an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling in each corner of the room.

Nate stepped behind me, put his arms around my waist, and kissed the back of my head.

"Wow, you weren't kidding." I laughed.

"What, you didn't believe me?" he asked.

"No." I laughed. "I did. I just didn't expect it to look so cozy." I shook my head. "How'd you even get all of this stuff up here?"

He sighed and walked around me to lean up against the wall. "It took a while, but once I got a pulley system going, it was a breeze."

I smirked. "Look at you, Nathan Harvelle, such a smarty pants." He laughed, and I shrugged. "How'd you even find this in the first place?"

He stood up. "I like to hang out in the woods. It helps me think. And then, one day, I just stumbled upon it." He smacked the wall. "I turned it into my own, and now I come out here to read or just hang out." He walked up to me and put his hand on my back, spinning me around to face out of the door. "But look." He pointed out at an angle. "This is my favorite part." I looked out to where he was pointing. There was a random clearing past the couple of trees that surrounded us, filled with flowers. He smiled down at me. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "Thanks for bringing me out here."

"No problem," he said, then sat in the doorway with his feet dangling over the side.

I sat down next to him and held his hand. "Ya know, I never asked what Sam whispered to you."

"When?" he asked, looking confused.

"The day he went into the Cage," I said.

"Oh, yeah..." He nodded and then looked out to the field of flowers.

I raised my eyebrows. "So... you gonna tell me?"

"He just, uh— He said... whatever happens, he wants me to keep you safe." He glanced at me. "So, I promised to do that, even if it pisses you off."

I smirked and nodded. "I kinda owe you an apology."

He furrowed his brow. "For what?"

I sighed and felt my throat tighten. "Sam... he's just— he's different."

Nate nodded. "Well, he did go into the Cage."

I shook my head. "No, it just feels like he's not him. It's like he doesn't care about anything anymore."

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