7 You Can't Handle the Truth: Part 1

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October 20th - October 22nd, 2011

"So, you saw it too, right?" Dean asked me, shortly after Sam walked off to grab us food.

"What? Our brother watching you get turned? Yeah, I saw it. We've already talked about this," I said.

Dean nodded. "All right, I just wanted to make sure before I bugged Bobby with it again." He pulled out his phone and put it on speaker.

"This better not be about your brother again," Bobby said when he answered the phone.

Dean rolled his eyes. "We know what we saw, Bobby."

Bobby sighed. "We tested him. Salt, silver... everything."

"He watched as we got our asses handed to us. He didn't even bat an eye when Dean got turned, Bobby. Whatever he is, he's not Sam," I said.

"We're telling you, it's not our brother," Dean said.

"Well, then he's something we ain't ever seen before," Bobby said.

Dean nodded. "Yeah, or it's friggin' Lucifer."

"Did you call Cass?" Bobby asked.

Dean shrugged. "'Course I called Cass. He's not answering. Screw him. We can't wait anymore."

Bobby sighed. "Look, I get it. You're rattled. You're right to be. But let's be professional—"

"Professional?" Dean asked. "He watched me get turned!"

"What you saw... are you sure that's what you saw?" Bobby asked.

Dean and I looked at each other, exasperated.

"Damn it, Bobby, yes. We know," Dean snapped.

Bobby sighed. "Well, 'you know' ain't the same as proof. 'Cause we're talking about—"

Dean nodded. "We're talking about doing something about this, and fast. It's not just the vamp, okay? He has been different from the jump."

"All right. I'm with you," Bobby said.

"Are you?" I asked.

Bobby sighed. "Yeah. I'll hit the books hard. Just don't shoot him yet, all right? Watch him. We need facts. 'Cause if it ain't Sam... we don't know what it is. And if we're gonna put him down, we need to know how."

"I don't even want us to ride in the same car with him, much less work a damn case," Dean said.

"Get in the car. He's your case," Bobby said.

Sam walked up, and Dean quickly ended the call.

"Hey. I was just, uh— I was leaving Lisa a message," Dean said.

Sam raised his eyebrows, looking at us suspiciously. "Together?"

I shrugged. "Moral support."

Sam nodded. "Still hasn't called you back, huh?"

Dean shook his head. "No."

Sam handed us each a foil-wrapped hot dog. "Sucks."

Dean nodded. "Yeah."

Sam looked at us intensely. "You okay?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah."

I nodded. "Fine."

"How are you?" Dean asked.

"Me?" Sam shrugged. "Great. Here, look." He handed Dean a newspaper. "Check this out. Think it might be something."

Maddison Winchester: Journal 6 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now