16 The French Mistake: Part 2

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We walked out of the studio and immediately spotted the Impala.

"Oh, hey. At least my baby made it." Dean smiled, walking happily toward the car until a man came up and started slinging mud on the windshield. "Hey. Hey! What—" He paused, and we turned to see four more Impalas, all at various stages of disarray. "I feel sick. I'm gonna be sick. I want to go home." He gagged and kept walking. "I feel like this whole place is bad-touching me."

"Yeah, I know. Me too. So, what do you think?" Sam asked.

"Cass?" I asked.

Dean nodded. "He's our best shot if he's still alive." He stopped, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. "Dear Castiel, who art may be running his ass away from Heaven, we pray that you have your ears on. So... breaker-breaker..." He opened his eyes and looked to his left. "Cass? Cass!"

When Sam and I saw Cass standing in the middle of the road, we ran to him.

"Hey, Cass! Oh, thank god." Dean sighed as we reached Cass. "What is all this, huh? Wha— Wha— What did Balthazar do to us?"

Cass looked at us and then put on a dramatic expression. "To keep you out of Virgil's reach, he's cast you into an alternate reality, a universe similar to ours in most respects, yet dramatically different in others."

"Like— Like Bizarro Earth, right?" Dean asked. "Except instead of having Bizarro Superman, we get this clown factory."

"Um... yeah, well... anyway, no time to explain." Cass looked at Sam. "Do you have the key?"

"Yeah." Sam rummaged through his pockets before handing Cass the key. "So, uh, what does this thing do, anyway?"

"It opens a room," Cass said.

"What's in the room?" I asked.

"Every weapon Balthazar stole from Heaven," Cass said.

Dean furrowed his brow. "He gave it to us?"

Cass nodded. "To keep it safe until I could reach you. With those weapons, I have a chance to rally my forces."

"Oh. Okay, good. Yeah. So, now, uh, what's the deal with all this TV crap?" Sam asked.

"Pardon?" Cass asked.

Dean nudged Sam. "Yeah. Amen, Padaleski."

"Uh, 'lecki,'" Sam explained.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Lecki. Pretty sure," Sam said.

"Man." Cass pulled out a packet of papers. "Did they put out new pages?"

"New what?" Dean asked as Cass shuffled through the papers.

"I mean, is this some kind of cosmic joke?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, 'cause if it is, it's stupid, and we don't get it," Dean said.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Are you guys okay?" Cass asked as he loosened his tie.

Dean snatched the papers from Cass. "Give me that. What is— These are words in a script. This isn't Cass."

"Dude, look at him," Sam said.

The imposter unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a graphic t-shirt underneath. "Guys want to run lines, or...?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, we don't."

The imposter looked at me nervously. "Okay, I'm sorry."

"His name's Misha," Dean read from the papers and looked up at the man. "Misha?"

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