13 Like a Virgin: Part 2

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We did some research until Dean returned about a half-hour later.

"Hey," Sam said.

"What do you got?" Dean asked as he set the food on the table.

"Uh..." Sam typed on his laptop. "Well, looks like those other two missing girls both baked cookies for the Lord."

"What is that? Code?" Dean asked.

"No," Sam said, shrugging. "Church choir, bake sales, promise-ring clubs... the works. They were good girls. But Penny wasn't even a Christian, so—"

"I have another theory," Dean said as he pulled out a journal. "Penny's diary."

"Did you steal that from her room?" Sam asked.

Dean and I exchanged smirking glances before he nodded. "I love that you even asked me that."

Sam shrugged. "And why wouldn't I?"

Dean shook his head. "No reason. So, girl-nappings. What if it's not about religion? What if it's about purity?"

Sam raised his eyebrows. "You mean you think they're all—"

Dean nodded. "Virgins, Sam. Virgins."

Sam hesitated before speaking, "Penny was twenty-two."

Dean nodded. "Yeah, with a pink room."

"So?" Sam asked.

"And stuffed teddy bears," Dean said.

Sam nodded. "Fine. But you really think—"

Dean raised a finger and began reading Penny's diary. "'I've decided I'm going to give Stan my most precious gift.'"

"Wow," Sam nodded uncomfortably.

"That's something I never wanted to hear you say," I said.

Sam gave a nod. "That sounded really creepy coming out of your mouth."

Dean shrugged. "I think I delivered it."

"You know, you— you could have led with the diary. You know?" Sam asked. "Anyways, let's say you're right. Fine. Who would want virgins?"

Dean shook his head. "You got me. I prefer ladies with experience."

I gave him a disapproving look.

He shrugged. "What?"

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We drove to the hospital to speak with a girl who had a strange encounter but managed to escape.

I leaned forward as Sam and Dean walked back to the Impala and got in. "So?"

"Um, Melissa said that a giant bat attacked her," Sam said.

I raised my eyebrows. "A giant bat? That's new."

Dean nodded. "It picked her up. She had huge gashes in her back. She passed out, and when she woke up, it was gone, and so was her gold promise ring."

I furrowed my brow. "It stole her ring, but not her?"

Dean nodded. "Her words were, 'Matt Barne didn't count.'"

I nodded. "Oh..."

Sam nodded. "So, what, you think Batman tried to rape her?" he asked Dean.

Dean shrugged. "Well, he does carry a lot of rage. But he rejected her because she was already dehymenated."

Sam gave Dean a look.

Dean furrowed his brow. "Huh?"

"You think?" Sam asked.

I shrugged. "It makes sense."

Dean nodded. "I think it just goes to show that being easy's pretty much all upside."

"Really?" I asked sarcastically.

Dean shot me a glance in the rearview mirror. "For some people, not all."

"So, what kind of thing likes virgins and gold?" Sam asked.

Dean shrugged. "P. Diddy?"

"You know, it's comforting," Sam said.

"What's that?" Dean asked.

"I died for a year, came back, and you're still not funny," Sam said.

Dean scoffed. "Shut up. I'm hilarious."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Mm-hmm."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We returned to the motel to get more research on our girl-napping, gold-stealing monster.

Sam shook his head. "This can't be possible."

"Try me," Dean said as he marked a map on the wall with the locations of the disappearances on it.

"Um, I googled 'fire,' 'claws,' 'flying,' 'stealing virgins,' and 'gold,' and it all takes me to the same place," Sam said.

"Where?" Dean asked.

I looked at Sam's computer. "World of Warcraft fan sites?"

Sam nodded. "Yup."

Dean shook his head as he looked at us. "I don't know what that means."

"Dragons, dude. See?" Sam asked. "Told you," he said, shaking his head. "Not possible."

Dean shrugged. "Actually, it might be."

"How? In what reality?" Sam asked, shaking his head.

I shrugged. "It has been a strange year."

Dean nodded. "We should get a second opinion," he said as he walked over to his phone and dialed Bobby's number. "What do you know about dragons?" (...) "Seriously." (...) "Could you make a few calls?" (...) "Humor me." (...) "You're a gentleman and a scholar." (...) "Everything's fine. Sam and Maddi say, 'Hey.'" Then he hung up abruptly.

"You okay?" Sam asked.

Dean nodded. "Yeah."

Sam shrugged. "Bobby say anything?"

Dean shook his head. "Nope."

After a while, Sam picked up Dad's journal and began flipping through the pages, which, for some reason, was putting Dean on edge.

"Dad never wrote anything about dragons. I promise. I'd remember if I read The Neverending Story in there," Dean said.

Sam looked up from the journal with a confused look. "Hey, did we hunt a skin-walker lately?"

Dean and I locked our gazes on Sam for a few moments.

Then Dean shook his head. "Doesn't ring a bell. Why?"

Sam shook his head and looked back down at the journal. "I don't know. Just... déjà vu or something." He furrowed his brow. "Are you sure? I could have sworn we—"

Dean circled his finger by his head. "You got to remember, your eggs are still a little scrambled, right? But, yeah..." He nodded. "I'm sure."

Sam nodded and sighed. "All right. Yeah. Never mind."

Dean's phone started ringing, and he answered, "Hey, Bobby. What do you got?" (...) "Dr. Visyak, SFU. Got it. Thanks." Then he hung up and looked at Sam and me. "All right," he said as he scribbled something on a piece of paper and stood up. "I'm going to San Francisco. Figure out how to kill these things." He pointed at us. "You two figure out where they are."

"Wait. Did Bobby say where they like to park?" Sam asked.

"No," Dean said.

I nodded. "Great. Back to the lore." I took a book and sat down on Dean's bed.

"Which says what? That they live in Middle-Earth?" Dean asked.

"No," Sam said.

"Caves," we said in unison.

Dean shook his head. "You guys are such nerds," he said as he walked out the door.

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