19 Frontierland: Part 2

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We entered the saloon, and I could tell Dean's excitement was fading as we looked around and saw only four people: two filthy saloon girls with hardly any teeth, the bartender, and a passed-out patron.

Dean sighed. "This is not awesome."

Sam approached the bartender after encouraging Dean with a pat on the shoulder. "Howdy."

The bartender nodded. "What'll you have?"

Dean nodded. "Oh, uh, okay. Great. I'll have your top-shelf whiskey."

The bartender shrugged. "Only have the one shelf."

"That'll do just fine." Dean pointed to Sam and me. "And they'll have sarsaparillas."

The bartender nodded and turned around. Sam glanced at Dean, but he only got a wink in return.

"You Elkins?" Sam asked.

The bartender nodded. "One and only."

"You know a man named Samuel Colt?" I asked.

Elkins nodded. "He passed through here about four years ago."

Sam smiled. "He still around?"

Elkins sighed. "Rumor is, he's building a railroad stop twenty miles out of town, just by the postal road. Middle of nowhere."

"The Devil's Gate?" Sam whispered to us.

Dean nodded. "Location fits."

"Howdy, boys." A sultry voice and the clicks of high heels approached us from behind.

"Darla's my best girl." Elkins smirked and winked at Sam as he passed us our drinks.

We turned around to see a woman approaching us in a filthy white dress with pus-filled cold sores all around her mouth. Her gums were lined with a brown film when she smiled.

"Try me." Darla smiled at Dean. "You want a kiss?" She leaned closer to him, her lips pursed, and her eyes closed.

Dean leaned back and turned his head away from her. "Oh, so much more germier than I pictured."

Darla giggled and bit her lower lip at Dean.

"Darla!" Judge Mortimer shouted as he walked in.

Darla sighed, rolling her eyes. "Judge." She stepped back from Dean and turned to face the judge. "Nice to see you."

"I thought we had a date." Judge Mortimer motioned up the stairwell.

Darla sighed and walked up the stairs with the judge, giving Dean one last wink before disappearing at the top.

"Wow, that was a close one." Dean let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I'd say. You were about a quarter-inch away from catching something nasty." I smirked.

Sam smirked. "I guess it's good to be Judge."

Dean scoffed. "Yeah." He took a sip of his whiskey and spit it out. "Oh. It's like gasoline."

I smirked. "Looks like you should've gone with the Sarsaparilla." I winked and took a sip of my drink, which honestly wasn't that bad at all.

We took off running when we heard a scream from upstairs. We stormed into the only room with a closed door. Darla was partially undressed and cowering against the wall, staring at the bed. A smoldering skeleton lay half-turned to ashes on the bed. We could only guess that it was what was left of Judge Mortimer.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As soon as word reached the jail next door, the sheriff arrived. He entered the room and stared at the bones, almost astounded by the sight.

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