10 Clap Your Hands If You Believe...: Part 1

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November 24th - November 27th, 2011

We followed a case to Elwood, Indiana. People had been reporting several strange disappearances that they blamed on UFOs. So, we acted as if we were writing a story for a newspaper and went around questioning people in town.

First was Wayne... "I'm here because I believe that Elwood, Indiana, has become a center of extraterrestrial activity. My name is Wayne Whitaker, Jr., and I have personally recorded dozens of eyewitness accounts..." He held up a recorder. "Strange lights in the sky, mysterious presences attempting contact. We are right in the middle of what we in the field like to call a 'UFO flap,' and I am as happy as a pig in shoes." He chuckled.

Then we met Kim, the girlfriend of the first victim... "There was this light. And then Patrick just vanished." She looked at us very seriously. "What happened to him? Something took him! I know it!"

Then there was Sparrow, a fascinating hippie girl. "It's all happening, ya know? I mean, these entities have come to help push humanity to the next stage." She smiled.

Then we talked to the sheriff, who seemed unamused by the carnival going on in town and the UFO sightings people had been reporting... "Since this whole damned circus has blown into town, no one seems to realize we got four Missing Persons cases wide open. My friends lost loved ones." He rolled his eyes. "I can guarantee you that this has nothing to do with UFOs... or little green men. Nothing extraterrestrial whatsoever."

Finally, we met Marion, but she had a very different idea about what was happening in town... "Of course, it's not UFOs. It's fairies." She smiled brightly.

"Fairies?" I asked as we all stared at her in confusion.

Marion nodded at me, her smile still just as bright.

Dean nodded with his eyebrows raised at her. "Okay. Well, thank you for your input." He smiled, and the two of us turned to leave.

"What?" Sam asked rudely, "Flying saucers not insane enough for you?"

Dean and I stopped and turned back, and I elbowed Sam for being rude.

"What newspaper did you say you worked for?" Marion asked.

Sam glared at her. "Okay, if you want to add glitter to that glue you're sniffing, that's fine, but don't dump your whackadoo all over us. We'd rather not step in it."

Dean and I stared at Sam in disbelief.

Dean grabbed Sam's arm. "Okay, we're— we're done."

"The only thing you're missing is a couple dozen cats, sister," Sam said.

Dean chuckled awkwardly and started pulling Sam away. "It's a blood sugar thing. My apologies."

Marion watched in shock, and looked like her feelings were legitimately hurt.

"Sorry about that." I smiled uncomfortably. "Don't take it personally. He hasn't always been this awful."

She nodded at me, and then I ran off after Sam and Dean.

"What?" Sam asked in confusion after I caught up to them.

Dean raised his eyebrows. "What? You gotta ask?" He shook his head and sighed. "Right, yes, you do have to ask."

Sam sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, but this is all a big joke, right, and we're not actually taking this UFO crap seriously?"

Dean shook his head. "No, man. ET is made of rubber. Everybody knows that."

I nodded. "Yeah, but people are going missing from this town. And the only witnesses we have are saying its UFOs. Some of them have definitely seen something. They just don't know what it really is. We still need to talk to them to figure out what we are dealing with, and you need to be nice to them."

Maddison Winchester: Journal 6 {Supernatural}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora