15 Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Part 3

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About half an hour later, we met Dean outside a small, abandoned store with a massive empty parking lot. Sam and I got out and met him near the Impala.

"So, that's the girl with the haunted kidney?" Dean asked as he nodded toward Isabel in the car.

Sam nodded. "Yeah."

Dean sighed. "Well, just when you think you've seen it all."

Sam nodded. "Right."

"What do you want to do?" Dean asked. "Can't exactly burn the thing. I mean, she kind of needs it."

Sam shrugged. "Well, she can't just walk around with it, Dean. The spirit's attached. It's gonna use her to get close to anyone it wants revenge on. It's not gonna stop killing."

Dean nodded. "Okay, so what are you suggesting? That we cut it out of her?"

"And then what? Leave her in a tub of ice with a phone taped to her hand?" Sam asked.

I shrugged. "Maybe we should call Dr. Robert."

Dean nodded. "Might have some leads on some non-haunted, black-market replacement kidneys."

Sam shook his head. "He works out of a butcher shop. Guys, come on."

Dean shrugged. "It's pretty clean. You'd be surprised."

Sam shook his head.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, well, what do you suggest then?"

"I think we have to go hoodoo," Sam said.

"Hoodoo?" Dean and I asked in unison.

Sam nodded. "Yeah, hoodoo."

Dean shrugged. "That's more of a band-aid, not really a cure."

Sam nodded. "It buys us a minute."

"All right, Louisiana, it is," Dean said.

"Voodoo?!" Isabel yelled as she walked up to us. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Actually, it's 'hoodoo.' It's a little different," Dean said.

Isabel gave Dean an irritated look.

Sam extended his hand. "Hold on, Isabel."

She shook her head. "What's going on? Who are you guys?"

"Just let us explain," Sam said calmly.

Suddenly, the Impala's engine revved, and we all snapped our heads to look.

"Not again." I groaned as the Impala continued revving like a spirit had possessed it.

"No. No way," Dean said as he stared sadly.

"That's impossible," Isabel said in shock.

Dean walked up to the Impala. "No, no, no, no, no, no. She possesses sex dolls! This— This is not a sex doll!" He looked back at us, and then the Impala's headlights turned on, and his face became expressionless as he looked back at it. "Hey, you leave my Baby alone! She's got nothing to do with this!" Then the Impala started driving directly at us, and Dean turned and ran. "Go, go, go!" He waved his arms for us to run as he led the Impala away.

Sam and I ran over to the car with Isabel.

He opened the door for her. "Okay, here, here, here." He ushered her to get into the car. "Get in."

"Son of a bitch!" Dean yelled as he ran around the parking lot, trying to escape the charging Impala.

Sam and I ran toward the chaos, leaving Isabel safely by the car to help Dean.

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