6 Live Free or Twihard: Part 1

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October 15th – October 17th, 2011

It had been over a month since I left Bobby's house, and my secret had not gotten out. I definitely planned on keeping it that way. We were on a new case. Several girls had gone missing within days of each other, and no one had any explanation. So, while Sam went into the police station to get more information, Dean and I waited outside, leaning up against the Impala. Dean had planned for the two of us to visit Lisa and Ben once the case was finished, but he didn't really want to let Sam know yet.

So, he called her and lit up when she answered. "Hey... so, uh, we're actually not far. We're about a night's drive." (...) "Well, there's some stuff we gotta do here first." (...) "But I was thinkin' that uh, we'll wrap up here, and, ya know, make sure we're not followed... I'll have to take side streets, and I'd have to come at night..." (...) He smiled. "Yeah." (...) "'Course."

I spotted Sam walking out of the building, elbowed Dean, and nodded toward Sam to let him know.

He quickly looked over his shoulder. "I'll talk to you later." Then he hung up as Sam walked up to us. "Hey."

"What're you so stoked about?" Sam asked when he walked up to us.

"What? Nothin'." Dean shrugged. "Whatcha got?"

Sam handed him a pile of Missing Persons fliers. "Six girls in seven days, which is more disappearances than this city has seen in over a year... all about the same age."

Dean nodded as he flipped through the fliers. "And cute."

Sam scoffed.

Dean shrugged. "Hey, ice cream comes in lots of flavors, Sam."

Sam nodded. "Right. Sure. Well, half a dozen girls, late teens, a shower away from greatness. Sounds like a profile. I mean, what else they got in common?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kristin, the most recent girl to go missing, lived only a few minutes from the police station. During the drive, Sam and Dean thought it would be best if I acted like a concerned friend so we could hopefully get in and look around.

Dean turned to me when we pulled up to the house. "All right, just remember, act the part. You're an upset friend trying to help a worried father find answers."

I nodded. "Yup, I know."

"Okay, let's go," Dean said, and he and Sam reached for their doors.

"Hey, hold on a sec. Let me get in character," I said.

Dean turned back to me. "Get in character? This isn't an audition."

"You want it to be believable, right?" I snapped. "Now, just give me a second."

Dean rolled his eyes and sighed. "I really don't know what a second will do, but—"

My eyes started filling with tears, and I started sniffling.

Dean looked back at me and furrowed his brow. "Seriously?"

I shrugged, sniffled, and wiped a tear from my cheek. "I want him to think I've been crying and worried like him." I reached for the door handle. "Come on."

Dean grabbed my shoulder. "Wait a sec."

"Oh, now you need to wait?" I asked. "I thought we were in a hurry or something."

"You can cry on command?" Dean asked, "Have you ever pulled that with us?"

"No, dude." I shrugged his hand off my shoulder. "We need it to be believable, right?"

Maddison Winchester: Journal 6 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now