9 All Dogs Go to Heaven: Part 2

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While I was watching The Prisoner of Azkaban, inspiration hit me, and I called Nate right away for his opinion.

"What's up?" Nate answered cheerfully.

I smirked. "I see you chilled out about Dean a little bit."

He sighed. "Yeah, well. I'm done freaking out about it. I've come to the realization that there's not really anything I can do at this point, so might as well live it up while I can."

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"What? What's wrong? Is this the warning call?" he asked frantically.

I laughed. "No. I thought you said you were done freaking out?"

"I thought I was," he said and took a deep breath. "Uh, anyway, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to run something by you before I offer it up to Sam and Dean, and I'm a little worried you're going to judge me," I said.

"Me?" Nate asked. "No way, just go for it."

"Well, the case we're on, they told me that we're dealing with a werewolf, but then our first victim was killed on a half-moon. And our latest was killed in daylight. Sam said that creatures have been crazy lately and that he and Samuel ganked a werewolf at half-moon a while back," I explained. "But I don't know. Something seems off."

"So, what are you thinking then?" he asked.

I hesitated for a second. "Uh... well... they said the vic's family seemed pretty normal and that they also had a dog."

"Wait, you're not thinking the dog is doing this, right? That seems less crazy to you than a werewolf?" he asked.

"Not exactly." I sighed. "I thought you said you weren't going to judge."

"I'm not. I'm not," he said, "Just keep going."

"The cops keep saying it's animal attacks," I said.

"They always say that," Nate said.

"I know, but what if they aren't necessarily wrong this time?" I asked and sighed. "Okay, well, just hear me out... what do you think about an animagus?"

"You mean like, Harry Potter, Sirius Black, animagus?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

Nate sighed. "Well, it's a book, so..."

"So?" I asked. "We've done research with hundreds of books."

"Yeah, but Harry Potter is fiction, Maddi," he said as if I wasn't aware.

"Okay, and most of the lore we get our facts from is also considered fiction," I said.

"All right, let me get this straight, you think J.K. Rowling is a secret hunter? Spreading the truth in a fun, creative way? Let me guess, you're also one of those people that thinks Hogwarts is real and that she's actually Hermione?" he asked.

"Okay, no, I'm not crazy, all right?" I hesitated and mumbled. "But it's possible..."

Nate laughed. "Maddison, if you're asking if I think you should run this idea by your brothers as an actual possibility. My advice would be no."

I sighed. "Look, all I'm saying is... the books have werewolves and witches in them too. All I'm saying is Harry Potter hasn't been wrong so far..."

"Okay, well, there's elves," he said.

I shrugged. "Okay, so minus one, but it's just one."

"And there's goblins," Nate said.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, yeah, but—"

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