4 The Third Man: Part 2

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We appeared in a living room in front of a man sitting on his couch.

"Oh, Cass, a little warning next time," Dean said.

The man stood up in shock. "What the— How'd you get in here?!"

Sam put his hand up. "Mr. Birch, settle down."

"You can't just walk in here!" Mr. Birch shouted.

Sam pointed to a pile of newspaper clippings on the coffee table. "Quite a collection you've got there, huh?"

Mr. Birch furrowed his brow. "What are you trying to—"

Sam sighed. "Look, we know the truth, all right? Chris didn't have a gun on him when those cops shot him. They set him up."

Mr. Birch nodded. "Yeah. They're all getting theirs."

"And who's giving it to them, Darryl?" Sam accused.

"Darryl?" Dean asked, "Did you kill Toby Gray and the others?"

"Me?!" Mr. Birch shouted, "I didn't kill anyone! Look at how they died!"

"You smote them with the Staff of Moses!" Cass shouted.

Mr. Birch furrowed his brow. "The hell are you talking about?"

Cass rolled his eyes. "We don't have time for this." He stepped toward Mr. Birch. "Where is it?"

"Leave my dad alone!" a boy shouted from behind us.

We all turned to see him aiming a staff at us like it was a gun.

"Is that...?" Cass asked and squinted. "Yes."

"Shouldn't it be bigger?" Sam asked.

Cass nodded. "Yes. It's— It's been sawed-off."

"Leave him alone! It wasn't him!" the boy shouted.

"Get out of here!" Mr. Birch yelled at him.

Cass turned and pressed his fingers to Mr. Birch's forehead, causing him to fall back onto his couch.

"What did you do to him?" the boy asked.

"It's all right. He's just sleeping," Dean said.

The boy pointed the staff at Dean, and then Cass teleported next to him and ripped it out of his hand.

"Cass, take it easy!" Dean shouted and then turned his attention to the boy. "Listen, we're not here to hurt you, okay? But we need to know... where did you get this thing?"

"Please don't kill my dad," the boy begged. "It was me. I did it."

"We aren't going to kill anybody. What's your name?" I asked calmly.

"Aaron. Aaron Birch," he answered nervously.

I nodded. "Okay, Aaron..." I stepped closer to him and pointed at the staff in Cass's hand. "Can you tell us where you got that?"

Aaron shook his head. "You won't believe me."

"You'd be surprised." I smiled. "Trust me."

Aaron nodded. "It was an angel."

"An angel?" Dean asked.

"Those liars, they killed my brother, and nothing bad even happened to them," Aaron growled, "It's not fair. So, I prayed to God every night that he would punish them. God didn't answer. But he did."

"His name... did he give you a name?" Cass asked urgently.

Aaron shook his head. "No. He just said I could have justice, but I was gonna have to take it myself. He— He gave me the stick."

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