Reboot info straight from Mamas mouth

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Interviewer is in bold. Link to the full article is at the bottom 💕

Well, I'm sure you've been asked this a thousand times already, but what do you hear about this Criminal Minds reboot that's being discussed?

Well, we're trying. [Laughs.] It was an idea that was floated in August, and we've been trying to negotiate, but it's... [Sighs.] It's hard. That's a situation that is difficult because it's owned by several companies. It's not CBS Studios for CBS Networks for Paramount Plus. It's CBS and ABC and Disney and Mark Gordon, which is now owned by Hasbro, so there are a lot of companies with a partial stake in it. So in negotiating to do it as a streaming show for Paramount Plus, they're sort of...fighting with each other.

And it seems like their job as studios and a network is to offer the smallest amount of money to the cast for the most amount of work in the fewest amount of days, whereas it's our job as people who've been part of a show for between four and fifteen years to say, "No, we want to do it, and we want to do it well, but you can't pay us less than you used to pay us!" [Laughs.] "Or you can hire bikini models to play FBI agents and do it with people who weren't on the show. But if you want us, let's come to a reasonable compromise."

God forbid.

[Laughs.] No, no, it's all part of the process. So we're trying. And hopefully we get there. Because we were all hoping to start shooting in July, but I don't even know if that's possible now. We just don't know. But we're certainly trying.

Well, I will be one of many people with their fingers crossed.

All of our fingers are crossed! [Laughs.] But it's tricky! It's a tricky logistical problem. And no one's wrong, you know? No one's doing anything lousy. Everyone's trying! So knock wood... [Pauses to actually knock wood.] ...that it actually happens

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