XX. Gas Pedal

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"Okay check your mirrors. Can you see everything you need to?"

Grace nodded saying "Yeah Mama."

Emily and Grace were currently in an empty Quantico drive training track Grace in the driver's seat. Grace just turned 15 and wanted to get some practice before she had to go to drivers ED. Naturally, Emily volunteered not because she was the better driver (though she argues she is) but because she is more level-headed when it comes to this type of stuff. 

Emily said, "Okay put your foot on the brake and move the gear shift into drive."

Emily watched as Grace delicately wrapped her hand around the gearshift pulling it down and into drive. As they went along the road the car beeped "What was that!"

Emily laughed "Grace the car has sensors on it to tell you when it thinks you are too close to the line."

"Oh okay."

"You are doing great honey, just breath!"

Grace nodded as she slowly went through the course. Emily was presently surprised. Her daughter was a natural. Emily said, "I am very proud!"

Grace smiled sheepishly.

"What is it?"

"Declan may or may not have already been teaching me."


"When he came home from Seattle he took me to a parking lot and let me drive."

Emily nodded slowly "Shoe me what you got."


"Do the course. Test out what you got."

Grace's face lit up "Really!"

"Yes, now go!"

Emily braced as Grace matched face. That same face Emily got when she was pursuing someone. Emily only had to speak up a few times telling her to slow or go left or right. Grace flawlessly flew through the course. Grace came to a halt looking over at her Mama with a wide smile. Emily smiled back saying "Switch."

Grace quickly unbuckled running around to the passenger side. She buckled in. Emily looked over pointedly saying "Not a word to Mom are we clear?"

Grace nodded vigorously as Emily tightened her hands on the wheel. Grace giggled the whole way round. Emily did a sharp turn causing them to spin to a screeching halt.

"That was awesome!"

Emily smiled brightly leaving the track "Yes it was! Let's go pick up some dinner and get back home okay kiddo."

When they pulled into the home they jumped out caring the Chinese in. When they walked in JJ asked standing from the couch "How'd it go?"

Emily wrapped her arm around Grace saying "Considering that Declan has also been teaching her she was great!"

JJ had a shocked face "You took her around the track didn't you?"
"What! No." Emily blushed

JJ walked up swatting her wife with a dish towel "I told you not to take her around!"

"I know but you should have seen her face!"
JJ looked over to see her daughter's wide smile dimples and all. JJ turned back swatting Emily's cheek "You are very lucky our daughter is so cute."

When JJ turned back Graces smile dropped and she mouthed 'your welcome'

Emily rolled her eyes pulling her daughter close as they walked into the kitchen. After they finished Emily cracked open her fortune cookie saying "All your dreams will come true tonight."

Quick as a whip, JJ said into the drink she was holding "Not from me."

Grace scrunched up her face and grabbed a napkin she spit her food into it. "Not hungry anymore."

JJ laughed saying "Just you wait baby bird."

Emily said, "Wait a very very VERY long time."

Grace nodded "Deal!"

A/N: Next chapter will begin the descent into madness. Heavy heavy warnings for the next several chapters so buckle up and be ready. As always thank you so much for the love and support! We are inching towards 2k on this story and almost at 20k on the first one! What a dream! Thank you so much!

Xoxo Kathrine

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