XXLIII. College Offers

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A/N: I know it's short. I just need you guys to answer the question at the bottom.

JJ and Emily once again found themselves in their favorite place. On the stainless steel bleachers of Graces school at her first game of senior year. It was halftime when Dean walked over plopping down between the two on the bleachers "Sup Mrs. P, Mrs. J!"

JJ laughed "Sup Dean."

Dean said "A little birdie told me you guys are going to be at the stadium a little late tonight."

"Oh is that so?" Emily said raised brow and all.

Dean said "Three scouts are here and I think all three are going to talk to Grace after the game about official offers."

"No!" JJ said excitedly

"Yes!" Dean said with a large smile. Dean stayed as the team ran back out on the field. He looked at JJ and Emily "Sorry." Before the two could ask what he was sorry for he stood tall yelling to the student section "Hey Wolves! Who's the Alpha?!"

"JP! JP! JP! JP! JP!"

JJ and Emily smiled at one another as the student body chanted Graces name.

Dean yelled "ALPHA! Give us a howl!"

They watched as Grace turned towards the student section and leaned back on her haunches pointing her nose up letting out a large howl. The student section quickly responded with a howal. Grace ran back onto the field as the game started. Even from halfway up the bleachers they could hear Grace encouraging and guiding her team. True to his word after the game Grace was approached by three different people. After the game Emily pulled Grace close to her as the three walked to the car "So who gave you offers?"

""Who told you!"


"That little punk!"

JJ laughed "You should be happy to have a great friend like that!"

"I know! I know and I am!"

JJ and Emily waited impatient waiting for the answer as to what the three schools are.

Grace smiled big saying "It was your alma mater Yale Mama and BOTH your alma maters Mom!"

JJ and Emily's smiles grew if that was even possible. JJ asked "How will you ever decide?"

Grace stopped dead in her tracks, shock on her face "Crap! How am I going to decide?"

The two Moms laughed at Grace leading her to the car.

Two weeks later Grace came barreling down the stairs and into the kitchen. JJ and Emily looked up from where they were working. Emily said "Woah kid! Where is the fire?"

Grace smiled out of breath "I've decided!"

"On what?" JJ asked

"Where I'm going to school."

JJ and Emily put down what they were holding, giving Grace their full attention. "Mom, Mama I have decided to go to..."

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