XLI. Wedding Bells

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Declan stood in front of the full length mirror trying to straighten his tie. Emily walked up saying "Here let me."

Declan turned as Emily adjusted his tie. "Are you ready?"

"To marry my best friend? Absolutely!"

Emily smiled "I felt the exact same way!"

Emily walked out of the room searching for her wife. JJ found Emily looping her arm in Emilys. "How's our boy?"

"He's so excited!"

"Hard to believe hes getting married. Not too soon it will be-"

"Jennifer I swear to God if you finish that sentence." JJ laughed gently as the two walked into the room making their way over to speak to Abigail's family.

JJ and Emily sat in the front chairs while Declan walked down the aisle. Behind him walked his best man... well best woman Grace. She stood beside her big brother in a matching deep blue suit. As Grace passed her brother the two fist bumped. Declan shifted his feet from side to side as he waited for his bride to walk down the aisle. Dean sat in the row behind JJ and Emily. He threw a thumbs up at the twoo making the siblings snicker. It felt like forever but finally the piano began and everyone stood as the doors opened. JJ and Emily looked back watching as Abigail was escorted by her father down the aisle. JJ looked back at her son to see tears in his eyes. It was a beautiful wedding at The Loft at 600 F. (Its a real place. You can look it up.) " The flowers were a light creme in beautiful contrast to the dark wood. The ceremony was small, neither group wanting too many people. Emily and JJ held onto each other so proud of their children. The room erupted into cheers as Declan dipped Abigail kissing her. The two laughed jogging down the aisle Grace and the other two groomsmen and bridesmaids followed behind. The groups mingled as staff quickly got to work moving the chairs putting out tables to eat. As they talked Luke came up behind Grace lifting her onto his shoulder "Hey Kid!"

"Uncle Luke!" He put her down as Reid came up hugging her shoulders. Before long the whole team was around Grace. Dean snuck between the adults high fiving everyone "Yo its my favorite crime fighter."

Tara said "Hey man! Haven't seen you crazy kids in awhile."

Grace said "I know!"

JJ and Emily said "Well this group looks like trouble."

"See what happens when you keep the siblings separated for too long!"

"Well I promise we will have a get together as soon as this wedding high has cooled."

Luke and Reid put on their best doe eyes "Pool."

Dean and Grace matched face "Please."

The parents laughed saying "Promise."

Grace stood in front of the guest as they ate "Hello, I am Grace. I am the man of the hours sister and some how I have coned him into making me his best man. As such I have to deliver a speech. Here we go. Abigail I am sorry but you have married a monster... a love monster. Declan came into my life when I was very little. I don't remember life before him and I am forever grateful for that. Declan is a sweet, caring, verily loyal man. He will not only help you through life but he will take the pain, the stress and the turn away from you putting it upon his own back. I didn't like you Abigail. Not at first. You were the woman sweeping in taking my best friend away from me. My opinion has since changed. You have become the best sister a girl could ask for. I wish you all the best and long life filled with love and laughter. One last thing I would like to say! To nieces and nephews!"

As the festivities went on the dancing started. First Abigail with her father then Declan and JJ. Halfway through the dance JJ danced out and Emily danced in. The whole BAU expertly performed the cupid shuffle, electric slide and another of other line dances. Emily and JJ laughed hard at Grace as she caught Dean who was falling back from kicking too high. The music slowed and Emily took a hold of her wifes hand leading her onto the floor. The two swayed looking around the room. JJ whispered "Look."

Emily looked around as she spun. Luke and Garcia danced. Simmon and his wife, Rossi and his wife, Elizabeth and Rhett, Don and Sandy. In the middle of the floor Declan and Abigail danced whispering to one another. Than something that made the two smile more. Dean and Grace danced clumsily in the back corner. Emily whispered "They are so oblivious."

"Were we ever like that?"

"Ive been told we were." JJ laughed. They watched as Declan handed Abigail off to her brother before Declan made hi way across the floor to Grace gently cutting in. Declan whispered to Grace. Grace slipped off her shoes going to stand on Declans feet. Emily and JJ watched tears in their eyes. It was almost like a time capsule from when the two were young and Declan would walk around Grace's feet on his.

It was the perfect day following such a hectic year.

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