VI. Chess Master

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Grace wakes up on a Saturday morning to walk downstairs to see her Uncle Spencer sitting at the island. She smiled brightly saying "Uncle Spencer!"

He turned to her with the same smile and excitement "Grace!"

She made her way quickly down the stairs going to hug him before standing between her Mothers "What are you doing here?"

"Your Moms are having a date day so I'm here to hang out."

"Grace looked at her mom unamused "I'm 13. I don't need a babysitter."

JJ kissed the top of Grace's head "You don't but Uncle Spence does."

Spencer looked at them in shock going to take a bite of his pancakes getting syrup all over his face. Grace laughed, handing him a napkin. Emily squeezed her daughter's shoulder as she and JJ climbed the stairs to change. Spencer sat across from Grace his head in his hands "Whatcha wanna do today?"

"What do you want to do today?" Grace asked amused

"I was thinking we go to the museum they have a new exhibit then we come back and play chess."

Grace said "oh yes! Mama has been teaching me!"

"Have you beat her yet?"

"Emily chimed in walking down the stairs "Nope!"

"Aw come on I'm getting close!"

Emily kissed Grace's head "Yes you are."

Grace looked at her Mom's "You guys look good!"

JJ said, "Thanks, honey."

"Where are you guys headed?"

JJ smiled "Mama says it's a secret."

Emily smirked, learning down whispering in Grace's ear. Grace's eyes widened as Emily pulled away saying "You done good."

"I told you I did good!"

"You done real good Mama!"

JJ looked at them "Care to share with the group."

"Nope," they both said

JJ and Emily kissed both Grace and Spencer's foreheads heading out the door.

Grace and Reid walked slowly around the Smithsonian American Art Museum for hours pointing, gazing at, and debating the meaning of each painting. Emily and JJ sat side by side on the bench in their secret pond when JJs phone pinged and she looked down at it. She smiled brightly showing it to Emily. It was a picture of Grace gazing up at a panting. It was taken from a side view. Emily said, "Gah she looks just like you!"

JJ smiled looking back at the picture "She does doesn't she."

"Do you think it's strange she looks nothing like the donor?"

"Uhm I think she has little things like her earlobes."

"Are we going to tell her about her donor?"

"I- that's really tough. What do you think?"

"I think if she asks about him we describe him to her but not any contact info."

"Yes, I completely agree!"

A few hours later JJ and Emily walked into their home to see Spencer and Grace sitting on the island, the family chessboard between the two. JJ and Emily slowly took off their shoes and coats walking over to the island. JJ and Emily stood at the end looking over at the board Emily leaned over and whispered in JJs ear "Don't act, don't change your face but Grace may win."

Grace's face mirrored Emilys when she played. After thirty minutes Grace did the final move sealing her win against Spencer. Spencer's frown quickly turned into a bright smile as he said "You won!"

"I won!"

Emily ran around throwing Grace over her shoulder "You won!!!"

JJ hugged Reid saying "Thank you!"

"What?" He whispered back

"You let her win right?"

He shook his head "No. I didn't. She is really smart."

JJ looked over at him shocked.

"Have you considered testing her?"

"For what?"


"You think she is?"

"There's a real possibility."

"I'll talk to Emily."

"Hey Thanks for letting me hang out with her!"

"Come on man anytime! You know you are her favorite Uncle!"


"Oh yeah! She loves my brothers but they don't take her to museums and help her with her work or talk to her like you do. She loves hanging out with you!"

"Well, I love hanging out with her!"

"You two have been best friends since she was in the womb."

"Womb to tomb."

JJ laughed as they watched Emily continued to spin Grace around the room both of them falling onto the couch in a dizzy heap.

A/N: Hoping to get several chapters out this weekend so we can start getting into the meat of it all! As always thank you so much for the support! 

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