XV. Locking Lips and Clenching Jaws.

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A/N: I was going to post tomorrow but I just can't wait! I can't promise a chapter tomorrow but soon! The chapters are getting more and more complicated and taking me longer to write. If I was to write just a short simple chapter what would you want to see?

JJ was sitting in the bay window at the front of their home book in hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Logan and Grace walking up. They went on a short walk to the ice cream shop up the road from the neighborhood. She watched the two as they stood in the grass close to one another. Too close for JJs liking. She looked hard at the two. Just as Logan and Grace met for a kiss Emily walked up behind JJ saying "WHat are you looking at?"

JJ quickly stood up blocking her wife's view "What? Nothing!"

Emily pointed trying to look around JJ "Arnt Logan and Grace out there."

JJ shook her head "Nope."

Emily continued to look around JJ but JJ was quick on her feet. Emily crossed her arms unamused "Move."

JJ stood her ground but something in her told her it would be best to move. Boy was that a bad idea she watched as her wife gasped all the muscles in her jaw clenching hard. JJ looked out the window saying "Huh. They are still going at it."

Emily's eyes widened in horror. "The entire time you have been blocking me they have been kissing "Apparently so."

Emily quickly made her way out of the house bounding down the front steps. Her booming voice pulled the two apart "What the hell is going on!"

Logan stammered "Nothing ma'am I was just leaving."

Grace said, "No you weren't we were going to play mancala."

Emily said sternly "Logan I think it's best you go."

He nodded looking at Grace with apologetic eyes before climbing on his electric bike. Grace stormed past her Mama. Emily caught her arm looking at her but Grace was quick to pull away "Let go!"

Emily was shocked her daughter had never raised her voice at her. She knew it was going to happen but it actually happening through the normally level-headed brunette way off-center.

JJ watched as her daughter stormed into the house up the stairs and slammed the door. Emily came in looking defeated. JJ asked, "You go too far?"

Emily nodded "I went too far."

JJ rubbed her wifes back "Give her a minute to cool off. What happened with you?"

"I saw them kissing and I just lost it."

"I gathered that much babe."

"I don't even know why I lost it."

"She's not you."

"I know."

"This isn't Rome."

"I know."

"But it still scares you."

"More than anything."

"She's not going to get pregnant."

"She's not going to get pregnant," Emily said surly

"Especially not from just kissing the boy."

Emily nodded exhaustedly from the roller coaster of emotions that coursed through her. Emily gently climbed the stairs knocking on Grace's door. "Come in."

Emily walked in sitting on the edge of her daughter's bed. They both stayed silent before they both tried talking at the same time. They laughed and Grace said, "Go ahead."

Emily patted her daughter's leg. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did."

Grace said, "And I shouldn't have stormed off the way I did."

Emily leaned in softly nudging her daughter "You get that fire from me."

Grace asked softly "Are we okay?"

"Oh, honey I'm okay. Are you okay?"

Grace smiled "I'm okay."

Emily turned with a bright smile "So was this your first kiss?"

"Grace smiled brightly "Yes!"

"Wow! You two went for that long!"

Grace gasped hitting her Mom with a pillow. "The number of times I have walked in on you and Mom going at it tongue and all. Five minutes Mama. I stood there for five minutes."


"Yes! It was 10 minutes the time before that."

"I am so sorry."

"No! Don't be sorry. I can only hope to find love that is still burning that bright 12 years later."

Emily kissed Grace's forehead "You will baby. So... how was he?"

Grace gushed "So nice and so sweet. Didn't pressure me or anything. We talked everything through before even thinking about kissing."

Emily smiled proudly "Good."

JJ knocked on the door saying "Well there are my best girls. Got room for one more?"

Grace smiled "Always!"

JJ walked over and both the Moms quickly wrapped Grace in a hug smothering her in love.

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