XVI. Rossi Retirement

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Grace was standing by her locker when Logan walked up. "Hey, stranger!"

"Hey Lo!"

"What are you up to this weekend JP?"

"I have been meaning to talk to you about that."

"Oh really? And what is that?"

"We are having a retirement party for my Papa Rossi and I was wondering if you would like to come and be my plus one?"

"Sure! What's dress code?"

"Dress pants, button-down and those leather shoes I like be at my house at 6 tomorrow.."

He kissed her cheek "Okay."

The following evening Grace was putting on her earrings when the doorbell rang. Emily opened the door to see Logan in dress pants, a button-down, and a sports coat. Emily smiled "You look rather dapper this evening."

"Thank you. As do you."

"Thank you!"

"Where are our ladies?"

Emily nodded to the stairs "Getting ready. Care to join me for a drink?"

He nodded and Emily led him into the sunroom. She grabbed two tumblers pouring whisky in hers and sparkling cider in his. They nodded to one another clinking their tumblers as they sat. "So Logan how are things going?"

"Great! Really great. JP is incredible."

"Yes, she is."

"I actually have a question to ask you."


"Do you think she would prefer a necklace or bracelet for our six-month anniversary?"

Emily thought seriously for a second "Necklace. She can keep it on when she plays soccer."


"Come on I can hear the women."

They walked over in front of the stairs and down walked Grace and JJ. Grace was in a long dress with four-inch heels while JJ was in a shorter dress with six-inch heels.

Emily and Logan both said "Wow."

The four walked out of the house and to the SUV. Emily opened the door while Logan opened the door for Grace as the two rounded the back of the car. Emily and Logan fist-bumped.

Like any wonderful party, the group parked at Rossi's house. They made their way to the backyard. Everyone was mingling, each agent being sure to give Logan a hard time or scare him to death. The time came for speeches. Reid stood up first delivering a beautiful heartfelt speech. Emily was next "Rossi when you joined the BAU I was terrified. You were the legendary Rossi, a trailblazer for BAU as we know it. Over the past several years I have grown to be able to call you my colleague, my friend, but most importantly a father figure. I will never forget when I came to you shaking an engagement ring burning a hole in my pocket. I didn't know what a father was supposed to be until you came along and for that, I am all the better. To Rossi!"

There was a chorus of "Salute!"

Grace walked up saying "Papa Rossi. The day we never ever thought was going to happen is here. And no man deserves it more than you. My grandfather lives very far away and is not often around. Just as you became a father figure to my Mama you have become a grandfather to me. Our Italian dates will always be my favorite and I can not wait for them to keep happening! Most of all I have to thank you for making sure my Moms come home safe to me. Happy retirement Papa Rossi"

"He walked up hugging and kissing Grace's head "Thank you bella."

As the party continued Logan leaned over asking Grace "What are your Italian dates?"

Grace smiled saying "Once a month I go over to Rossis for a day and we make really good Italian food together then we get really dressed up and eat it. It's a whole thing."

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