𝐇𝐔𝐋 𝟏𝟓 | 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

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𝐇𝐔𝐋 𝟏𝟓 | 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫


"What happened? Are you alright?" Mina spoke out as soon as she arrived inside the lobby of the hospital where they were at.

  Sejeong smiled at her nodding her head, "Yeah." she replied.

Mina pouted, her face saddened as she sat down next to her. Her head hung low as she fidgeted with her hand, "Why... didn't you tell me?" she spoke quietly.

    She heard Sejeong sigh next to her, her hand suddenly reached out to hold her's caressing it, "Sorry," she muttered.

  Mina's eyes begun to water. She was overwhelmed and saddened just by only thinking how much pain Sejeong must've suffered for a long time, but even once she never bothered to ask her, nor asked how she's feeling.

  I didn't even bother asking her how she felt. I am disappointed to myself. What kind of a friend am I?

"Sorry I didn't tell you," Sejeong spoke out still caressing her friend's hand. She pursed her lips," I was too afraid and I... I don't want to worry you, you've been in too much pressure so I don't want to be a burden to you, I'm really sorry," she added.

Mina sniffed. her head raising to take a closer look at her friend, "Why are you saying sorry at me?" she asked her lips in a pout, while her eyes is a bit puffy.

 Sejeong hummed, "Because you deserve it, I made you worried that's why,"

Mina sulked after she said that word, her head hung low again, "But I should be the one to be sorry. Even once, I never even asked you how's everything doing or like, why did I even listen and believed to your, 'I'm fine' answers even though you're clearly was not," she spoke quietly shaking her head in demise.

  Sejeong sighed, "It's alright. I believe both of us has our own reason right? We shouldn't worry too hard about what already happened alright?" she reassured her patting her back.

  Mina hummed, "Yeah.."

"Right, so I guess, I do owe you some explanations," she muttered, tucking the loose hair that's blocking her face.

"It started when I've started acting, I do have some times that I shoot midnights and do overtime works for some polishing...and every time I do, he always thinks that I am cheating on him," she bit her lip, "Every time he provoke me, he raises his hands and harass me. But I just...couldn't reach out for some help, I was too afraid to tell the authorities because of what his family's influence is too hard to fight against," a tear fell on her eye, while her lips begin to quiver.

  She sniffed, taking a deep breathe, "But from what happened earlier, when Mister Doyoung came to help, I..." she wiped her tears of, giving a smile to Mina who has his worried face on her.

"He gave me some hope," her voice cracked.

  Mina bit her inside cheeks. 'Right.. Donghee's family... they're very influential in this city...'

"I...understand," Mina muttered under her breathe. 'Still, he has no rights to harass Sejeong... A jerk is always a jerk. No matter how influential his family is, he needs to grow up and pay for what  he did to Sejeong..'

Her head slowly raised to where Doyoung and In Ah was at. A sudden determination kick inside her.

  She rose up from her seat, walking towards where the two is while Sejeong followed behind her, a bit confused by her. 

"Should we file a case against him?" Mina spoke out making Doyoung and In Ah pause from what they were talking about earlier.

"Huh? Who?" Doyoung asked confused to what she was referring to just now.

"That jerk. Park Donghee."


"Are you okay?" Mark asked pulling out a can of beer in front of MIna who finally has snapped out from her clouded thoughts. She was like that the whole time since they both arrived inside the convenience store a few block's away from her house.

  Mina hummed, slowly nodding her head as she reached out for the can that Mark holds out in front of her, "Yeah..."

  Mark scractched the back of his neck as he sat down next to her. Opening the can, he quickly sipped the bitter-sweet liquid to ease his dried throat. 

 The whole atmosphere was silent, only the sound of crickets were the only thing to be heard as the night begun to fell deeper.

"Anyway, how's your filming? Was it exhausting?" Mark asked turning his head to take a glance to Mina who is undeniably silent the whole time.

  Mina pursed her lips, deciding to open the Can of beer she holds, "It's fine...I guess," she answered shortly.

  Mark sighed, taking yet another sip of his beer. ' Yeah, it's definitely not.' he thought. 

"You know, you can tell me anything right?"

  Mina hummed, "Yeah," she answered, hugging herself as her eyes was still staring at the ground as if she is thinking about something.

  Mark sighed, he knows exactly that Mina wasn't feeling well since earler. In Ah told him about what happened earlier and he does feel worried about Mina especially that he didn't expect that something bad has been happening to Sejeong for almost a few months now. He felt bad that he can't console MIna earlier especially that, it must've surprised and overwhelmed her a lot.

Taking a deep breathe, he glanced back again to Mina. He noticed her hugging herself looking as if she must've been feeling a bit cold. Without any hesitation, he immediately took off his jacket putting it on Mina's back.

  Her eyes went up after she noticed what he did. Her heartbeat suddenly fastens as a sudden weird feeling on her stomach made her feel weird.


"You look cold," Mark interrupted her, clearing his throat as he avoided her stare at him.

    Mina's cheeks blushed. She felts weird by how she got flustered by her friend.

'Mina, you are so weird. '

   Mark pursed his lips, deciding to gulp down the last sip of beer he has. Not a seconds later after he drank the beer, a sudden idea came on his head.

'Right! What if I send her a letter? It's been a long time now, I bet she was already waiting for another letter?' He took a quick glance again to Mina and when he caught her glancing back at him, his cheeks flushed.

'I...I guess I should really do it... I don't want to disappoint her and make her wait. This time, I'll try to cheer her up as much as I can..' He smiled to himself.

'She deserve it. She really deserve to be happy...'

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐍𝐂𝐓 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐞 ✔Where stories live. Discover now