Chapter 3

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Recap:"I know a great breakfast place?" Sean nodded and so did Mark, and no one wanted the salty waffles, so I went outside while everyone except pewds, who seemed emotionally compromised got dressed.
We got in Mark's car and went into town.
"Stop here!" I yelled when we got to the corner. He swerved off the road, parked the car and we all got out.
"Follow me." I motioned and we walked into the community diner.
"I thought you said good." Yami pouted.
"Unless you want to drive an hour, this is the best you will get." and then I swung the door open for Sean, Mark, and Yami. Sean and Mark walked in, and Yami begrudgingly came in after I shoved him.
"Prepare for MAJOR fangirling." I spotted my best friend, Ida.
"Livella! Why is Markiplier, Yamimash, and Jacksepticeye in Salem?" She was fangirling so hard.
"Calm yo butt gurl. You know me, I don't tell my secrets." I smugly grinned, happy she didn't know.
"But Mark!" She whined.
"But nothing. Shoo." I motioned for her to leave.
"I just got here. Let's all sit together!"
"Okay." I motioned them over, and we sat at a table with six seats.
"I am Ida!" Was all she could manage.
"Yes, and she is the only other one here who knows who you are." I said it, and everyone laughed except Yami, who was deeply engrossed in the menu.
"Yeah most everyone here has an IQ lower than zero, and they're all farmers." Ida cracked up and so did I. It was an inside joke, most people in our graduating class should be in second grade.
"What do you honey-buns want to drink?" Our waitress, Lidia and I are good friends.
"I'll have cranberry juice Lid." I nodded to Ida.
"Water." She said blandly.
"Orange juice please." Piped Yami.
"Well I'm gonna have. Wait what do you have?" Mark hadn't looked at the menu, but neither had I, Yami was the only one who did. And he STILL was!
"We have water, orange juice, mango juice, cranberry juice, and Lemonade." Lidia said sweetly.
"Ah yes, I will have the lemonade." He nodded his head as if to show confirmation. He was semi-dramatic, but that's part of why Ida and I have been watching him forever. We don't have some sad-sop story about him keeping us from killing ourselves, we watch them because it's extra happiness in this town. All this time we felt they knew us better than a single person in this town, and now they are LIVING here!
"I'll have that cranberry juice." Sean said it tipping his hat to Lidia.
"Mango juice with ice." Yami didn't even look up to make his decision.
"Okay I'll be right out with that!" Lidia swiftly exited to the kitchen.
"So why are you here?" Ida asked it with her signature "I am going to get what I want" face.
"We moved here." Yami said bluntly, finally looking up. He saw her and his eyes went wide, for good reasons too. She was a beautiful brunette, with hazel eyes, black-rimmed glasses, and over all a petite pretty face. And with that, she had an awesome sense of fashion. He leaned over to Mark, and just loud enough for me to hear he whispered "Bloody hell she's hot!" Mark burst out laughing and picked up his menu like Yami just told a joke.
"Watch it." I mouthed, he was sitting across from me. Ida to my left, Sean to my right. Mark was sitting across from Sean. Good thing too, if Ida had heard that we'd be halfway to the hospital by now, with her panic attacks.
"Let's order." Sean said, and I started to worry about Felix, but then the puzzle pieces fell into place. That was a distraction, he was planning something...

Hi my one reader! Shout out to rejectbutcool! Mwahahahahaha CLIFF HANGER!!!

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