Chapter 8

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Recap:"This didn't come from me, but he looks like he has a pretty good chance of living. He's breathing on his own." The doctor winked and left. So Felix could live, no he was going to live. This was going to be awkward, if Mark is still living next door.
I nodded off to sleep, as everyone piled back into my room.
As I dozed off I realized that my friends from community college had came and brought flowers and cards. It was winter break, so everyone either had a lot of time, or went to see family.
"Wake up you lazy butt!" I heard Serena, a freind from college yell as she shook my shoulders.
"Felix woke up!" I heard Max say. He was also a college buddy, and he loved YouTube as well.
"He wants to see you and her." Sean pointed at Lily.
"Has he seen anybody?" I asked, astounded. They shook their heads explaining he wouldn't see anyone until I woke up.
"Go!" Serena helped me out of bed. I was still in my own clothes, which was good, so all I had to do was grab the IV pole, and I was practically shoved out the door, with Lily close behind.
"I'm surprised he would know I was there." She was right, he wasn't even awake when we brought him here. We slid open the door and entered together.
I ran and hugged him. He was in one of those stupid gowns, and we both had IV's so by the end of the hug we were a mess of wires. Lily help untangle us.
"I never got to properly thank the ladies who saved my life." We nodded our heads and he hugged Lily.
"I never could have done it alone. Lily was a huge help with the car and all. An ambulance would have taken 30 minutes." I smiled at her and whispered "sorry about you car" in her ear. She laughed.
"Not a problem! We've been friends since 1st grade you know I would do anything for you." We hugged each other tight.
"Now as much as I love this heartfelt moment I almost died, and there is people who want to see me, or meet me." Felix eyed my college mates outside.
"Okay, we'll leave now, and watch out for Max, he is the most committed fan-boy ever." He laughed, and we walked out, letting Sean in. I think they wanted to talk about living arrangements, since Mark had literally tried to murder one of his best friends.
Serena was tall, about 5'11" and had long dark brown hair. She was wearing a black hoodie, and yoga pants. She must have come from a dance lesson when she found out I was in the hospital. Max was on the shorter side about 5'6" we had always been friends, but we became close in college. He and I did collabs a lot. He was wearing a My Chemical Romance shirt jeans and a beanie.
I just realized, that it must be the next day, because I had found Felix half dead at, like, 7:30 last night. Ida walked up to me as I went in my room. Everyone else wanted to see/meet Felix.
"Go see Felix, I want to think for a moment." I smiled weakly. She smiled and left, the short hem of her dress fluttering behind her as she did. I paged the doctor, he pulled out my IV's and bandaged my wrist. He handed me discharge papers, I handed him my insurance card and he left so I filled out the paperwork. I gave it to the lady at the front desk and she said I was free to go as I pleased. I decided to stay in the hospital until Felix got better. Then I saw a familiar face. It was my dad.

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