Chapter 33

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(A/N Wow I felt guilty, because this now has 1.8K reads. So I am going to try to make this 1000 words for you guys.)
Recap: But after the stream, and thousands of fans had a couple hours of watching me, I went to bed, I had classes the next day.
I woke up, and couldn't feel my hand, partially because I slept on it, and partially because of the violent wii-mote thrashing. I got up, took a shower, and got dressed. I tried to look lawyer like, because today was the day we started to review the case in Carter's law firm. And today is also the day I am hoping to god Lily kept her mouth shut.
"Hey!" Lily said as I got out of the elevator.
"You got us coffee?" I asked. I was so tired after last night.
"Yeah. Caramel latte just the way you like it." She smiled and handed it to me. We had spent so much time together, mostly just to hang out, but college brought us really close together. We both knew our coffee orders like the back of our hand. We are both a year away from our degrees. It's so funny to think of how we must have looked in the first day of Carter's class. I had always wanted to prove myself in community college, and go to Harvard. I'm so glad that didn't work out. I would never be where I am today.
"You two have been here enough to know. Case files in that room. Get to work. This trial is in three weeks girls!" Carter made himself heard over the office staff. We went in the file room, got out the one of the newest folders and began to plan.
"Maybe I shouldn't do this." I said out loud.
"Why not? We've worked our asses off to be able to work in Carter's firm." Lily demanded.
"I don't know. I was the one who found Felix. I could be called as a witness." I shrugged.
"They would put the guys on stand before you." She pointed out.
"Yeah. But you know how it works." I said. "I can't be a lawyer, and affiliated with the case." I sighed.
"That only counts if you are emotionally attached." She pointed out.
"I pretty much am. I've been watching Felix ever since I found his channel. He is Te one who inspired me to started making videos." I said.
"How's it going with the case?" Carter said, walking into the rather large room. He sat at the table and sipped his coffee.
"Not so well." Lily said.
"What is it?" Carter asked.
"I'm not sure if they will call me to the stand as a witness." I put my coffee down.
"Why?" He asked. He didn't know I was the one who found Felix.
"I might not be able to take this case. I was, well we were the ones who found Felix in his house." I said.
"That's going to be a problem." He ran his hands through his hair. He always did that when he was nervous.
"Couldn't you switch our case with someone else's?" Lily asked. She could be asked to the stand. After all her and Felix are technically dating.
"You two are the only ones I would trust with this case." He sighed.
"I just have a feeling I'm going to be asked to the stand. Lily and I both could." I looked down at the papers strewn across the table.
"Okay. Just describe the situation on that day." Carter said. I knew he was going to try to see first if they would use me, and if they definitely would, try to see if the lawyers could twist my story to make it seem like Mark was innocent.
"So, I went out to breakfast with everyone except Felix. My friend Ida. Then we went to the library, and Felix texted me so I went to their house. We watch a movie, but it never escalated to something romantic. I went home. And in a few hours I heard tires screeching down the road. I had invited Aaron to my house, but he was really tired so I went for a run. I ran my usual route, until I saw Mark's car was gone. I heard something from inside the house as I was about to run by. I walked to the front door and no one answered so I found the key. Felix was there on the floor. I would have called 911 but the wouldn't have been here in time. I called lily and we got Felix into the back of her car." I stopped there, because the rest is a given.
"I think they are going to get you on the stand. Tell them what happened, what you saw. Nothing more." He stood up. "I still like you to arrange this case. But you won't be participating in the trial. As for Lily, we'll see." He walked out of the room. It hit me then, where was Sean when this happened? I knew it was Mark, but Sean wouldn't have gone with Mark after that happened. Sean must have left the house before. Aaron hadn't come from his house, he had walked from the other way. Only Mark could have done that. Right? No one else was at the house. I wish this had never happened. I could have taken another case. What was I thinking? I knew I would be a part of the trial.
"Hey." Lily pulled me out of my thoughts. "It's going to be alright. Felix is fine now. Mark is where he is meant to be." She sighed.
"I sure hope so." I went back to reading papers and sipping my latte. I went home after we had sorted everything out. I made a video, normal things. Except it wasn't normal. I felt like someone was watching me the whole time. I knew it was Mark. Felix said it was Mark before he blacked out. Didn't he?

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