Chapter 10

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(A/N) thank you for reading this it means so much. I am thinking of doing another perspective, perhaps from Lily, or Ida. Idk you decide in the comments.

Recap:"That's my girl." He smiled. My girl... That was new.
"Felix, a lot has happened in three days. I like you as a friend, but I don't have a crush on you." I had to friend-zone him, I can't be in love with two guys. I like Sean, and I'm sorry but Felix and I aren't cut out for each other. If anything Lily is, they could make it work, but I can't be with him. Not if he would get murdered if I was with him.

(POV Felix~)
She friend-zoned me. She saved my life, but couldn't be my girlfriend. Oh well, I knew she liked Sean more than me. They would be a perfect couple. Her long blonde hair, shining teal eyes. And his chestnut hair and cute smile. It's almost like they were made for each other.

(POV le me~)
I walked out, embarrassed. I went to talk to Lily.
"Come with me." I grabbed her arm and she willingly followed and I punched in the code to the break room.
"Isn't this illegal?" She pulled away.
"Yes, we are stealing my dad's chocolate jell-o, we are committing a crime." I rolled my eyes. I punched in the code. 9463. We walked in, her reluctantly. I opened the fridge, all sneaky like. I pulled out two of my dad's chocolate jell-o's. I handed one to her, and pulled out two spoons.
"Wow you're good." She opened hers.
"Do you like Felix?" I eyed her, she blushed.
"Yes, but he would never... I couldn't date anyone famous" she was blushing so red.
"But he might. I turned him down, I friend-zoned him. I think you have a chance if you want." I blandly said. Then I heard a ruckus in the hall.
"Hell if I go with you you're damned." It was muffled, but I knew it was Mark, getting dragged away by police. I ran to the door. Lily froze. I opened the door, and saw him being handcuffed, a bandage on his nose. He looked pissed. I wasn't going to help him. But this wasn't Mark, all those 'Darkiplier' fan fictions were real. I didn't want to believe he had a dark side, but everyone was in the hall witnessing this, all my friends bystanders to this horrible scene, none of them intervening. He deserves to be in jail.
"I don't deserve this!" He yelled, but no one cared, the police dragged him off and lily and I dropped the pudding and ran to our friends. We all went to the same college. We hugged and cried in the waiting room, not knowing what to do. I just went and took the rest of the pudding and brought it in to them. I would replace it later, or explain to my dad, we needed something sweet. He would understand. I walked into Felix's room and he was sleeping, so I sat the pudding on his table, and he grabbed my wrist. I sat down.
"You might have heard, but Mark was taken to jail." I looked at him, and he opened his eyes. He nodded and laughed.
"Who didn't hear him?" He smiled as he opened the pudding.
"If my dad comes for a follow up, his name is Dr. Doyle. Tell him his jello was delicious." I laughed.
"I will. That jello brought my spirits up, the food here is crap." He was doubled over, laughing.
"Really? That sucks." I looked at my watch 12:13. Lunch would come in around fifteen minutes.
"Yeah, I wished it was better." He still smiled.
"Tell you what. When they come with lunch say I am getting you food from the cafeteria. Do you want taco soup?" I had my credit card, and the food at the cafeteria was to die for.
"Yes thank you I need real foooooooood!" He yelled. I nodded and left to ask if anyone wanted anything. I was followed by most everyone.
"Knock yourselves out, it's my treat." And I released the beasts. I went and got two taco soups, and Pepsi. I went to the checkout. I was greeted by smiling friends happy for good food. I payed, and we went upstairs to sit and wait. I went into Felix's room and we chatted over our taco soups. He was so grateful for good food. I finished and threw out the container.
"I sorta like Lily." He blurted out. He was blushing.
"I think you have a good chance." I smiled and left the room.
"Wait!" He called out. I turned around. "Tell her to come in here."
I went to the waiting room and told Lily Felix wanted to see her. Sean grabbed my hand. It was just to do it, not for a reason, there was no reason. We hadn't even known each other three days, but we were fast friends, maybe more than friends. I don't even know. He pulled me out of the room. I blindly followed.
"I know that we just moved here." He twiddled his thumbs. "But I think we are all moving back to where we came from."

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