Chapter 7

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Recap:"Felix? Sean?" I cried outside the door. No answer. The door was locked so I found the key under the doormat. I walked in to see an unconscious Felix bleeding out.
"No No No No!" I screamed and swore, but that wasn't helping so I whipped out my phone. 911 wouldn't be here fast enough.
"Lily! Get over here now! Bring your car! I'm next door to my house! Hurry!" I could hear her staring her car. Lily is my other best friend, we didn't talk much, but when either of us needed anything we were there in a jiffy.
"Holy shit!" She ran in and helped me pick up Felix. We put him in the back seat and tore ass to the hospital. We pulled into the ambulance parking and I ran to the front desk. Felix was losing blood, fast.
"My-my freind is bleeding out, we need a stretcher we're parked right out side." She pushed a button and yelled orders. With in seconds Felix was in a room, on oxygen. With a grim prognosis.
I sat outside his room bawling my eyes out. Lily rubbed my back, she hadn't recognized him at first but she knew he was pewdiepie, and we sat in silence.
Felix had two surgeries, multiple stab wounds, and many broken bones. This was gonna hurt like a bitch when he woke up. If he did. I pulled out my phone

To: Sean, Mark
Get ur asses to the hospital. NOW!

They arrived in three minutes, Sean looked horrified, and Mark looked innocent.
"I want a fucking explanation in ten seconds. Why did I find Felix half dead you asshole?" I barked at Mark. He shrugged. "If you EVER think I was into you, think again you ass. Whatever respect I had for you is gone. FUCK YOU!" I yelled at him and shoved him. He looked apologetic, but I didn't believe it one bit. "I NEVER want to see your face again!" People looked at me like I was crazy, I didn't care. He hurt Felix, I knew it was him.
"Do you need anything?" A nurse asked, I started bawling and hyperventilating. I think I punched Mark in the face. They had me on a stretcher, and it all went black.
I woke up to Sean holding my hand, Lily looking very sad, and Mark outside with an ice pack on his face. Good I punched him. A small price for what he did to Felix. I had I.V.s in my arm.
"Is he going to be okay?" Not even concerned about my self, and why my head hurt like a bitch.
"That is the least of you worries." Yami was sitting next to Lily, and Ida was standing on my other side.
"Not really, right now that is my top priority." I sneered. I was so fed up with this bullshit.
"We don't know." Sean said he looked at me like he wanted me to say something else, so I did.
"Get that asshole in here, and let me talk to him alone." They left and Mark came in, looking down.
"I really am sorry." He muttered.
" You're going to fucking jail after this." I crossed my arms. "I meant everything I said back there too. And I meant to punch you in the face as well. Now get out." He silently shuffled out and a doctor came in and checked my vital signs.
"This didn't come from me, but he looks like he has a pretty good chance of living. He's breathing on his own." The doctor winked and left. So Felix could live, no he was going to live. This was going to be awkward, if Mark is still living next door.
I nodded off to sleep, as everyone piled back into my room.

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