Chapter 23

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Recap:"Would you be so gracious to tell me where everyone is?" I leaned over slightly.
I leaned about two inches to meet their height.
"We don't know." Phil said.
"We woke up, and we thought everyone was gone." Dan said sipping his coffee.
"Well I wasn't." I crossed my arms. I was about to walk away.
"Have fun!" Phil smiled. I think I would sight see a bit more. I walked a few blocks. Then I bumped into someone. My sunglasses fell off and I dropped my iPhone.
"Sorry." The person mumbled as they gave me my phone. It wasn't cracked, thank god. I looked up.
"Joey?" I screeched. My luck was sure to run out, but for now I'm glad just to have all this happen.
"Yes?" He lowered his sunglasses.
"No. Freaking. Way." I blinked.
"What? Is there something in my hair?" He asked with a goofy smile.
"Oh no, it's just a lot has happened the past week." I got up.
"Like what?" He asked.
"Well, first Pewdiepie, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye moved in next door, then my friend took me here, I met a ton of British Youtubers, and then I met you and Tyler Oakley." I rushed.
"Whoa girl, that's huge." He smiled.
"See you around!" I waved and walked away. Joey Graceffa. My week has been so hectic. I walked to the Hollywood wax museum. I payed an admission fee and took a tour. I walked out into the sunlight. I don't know the area at all, so I decided to go back to the hotel. I went back to my room. My phone buzzed.
"Hello?" I asked, not looking at the caller-ID.
"It's me!" I could feel Tyler's smile through the phone.
"Thank you for earlier." I said, for the tweet.
"No problem. Do you want to do a video while you are here?" He asked. OMG. I was completely self made. I usually only did a vlog or challenge for a subscriber milestone. I never did collabs. My first was with Dan and Phil.
"Sure!" I was beaming.
"Meet me outside in a half hour." He said.
"Ok, bye!" I said.
"Bye!" And he hung up. I guess since last night he must have found out about my channel. I changed into a blue tank top. I washed my face and redid my makeup. I just sat and went through my 213 messages from everyone back home. Lots were from Ida and Sean. They both told me to call them. Hell no, I'm on vacation. If he needs time, I can give it to him. But I can't always guarantee that I can stay single.

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